BookSense XT – User Manual Search by Album
If you want to listen to the songs according to which album they are on, follow these steps:
1) Press the MENU button
2) Press the UP or DOWN button to move to ‘select playlist, pull down.” Press the RIGHT,
OK, or MENU button.
3) You will hear, “My playlist, dialog.” Press the DOWN button to move to “Album, dialog”
and press the RIGHT, OK, or MENU button.
4) BookSense announces, “Album list dialog box (Name of album- number of files) list box.”
Press the UP or DOWN button to change the album.
5) Press the OK or MENU button.
Note: If the audio file does not have any tag information, the audio file is shown as
“Unknown.” Search by Genre
If you want to listen to the songs according to a specific genre, follow these steps:
1) Press the MENU button
2) Press the UP or DOWN button to move to ‘select playlist, pull down.” Press the RIGHT,
OK, or MENU button.
3) You will hear, “My playlist, dialog.” Press the DOWN button to move to “Genre, dialog”
and press the RIGHT, OK, or MENU button.
4) You will hear, “Genre list, dialog box (Name of genre- number of files) list box.” Press the
UP or DOWN button to change genre.
5) Press the OK or MENU button.
Note: If the audio file does not have any tag information, the audio file is shown as
4.23.4 Saving the Playlist
To save play list, follow these steps:
1) Press the MENU button.
2) By pressing the UP or DOWN button, move to ‘save playlist” and press the RIGHT, OK,
or MENU button.
3) Then ‘successfully saved playlist” is announced.
4.23.5 Mark information
This menu only appears in the menu if you open a file that has a mark, voice memo, or