Protect the generator against rain
and high humidity.
Indicator of the lever position for open
gas supply (ON) and shut off gas sup-
ply (OFF) to the fuel mixer.
Indicator of the lever position for open
petrol supply (1) and shut off petrol
supply (0).
Position of the switch on the mixer for
selecting propane-butane (LPG) or
natural gas (NG).
Choke lever position for starting - close
position Choke lever position for run-
ning the motor - open position.
Petrol level in petrol tank indicator.
It meets the respective EU harmonisation
legal directives.
Electrical equipment
at the end of its lifetime - see below.
Grounding terminal.
Serial number:
see engine
The serial number provided on the en-
gine (fig. 3, position 5) that represents
the year and month of manufacturer
and the production series number.
Table 6
XII. Safety instructions
for using the generator
Electrical generators may present risks that are not discer-
nible to amateurs and children in particular. Safe operation
is possible with a sufficient knowledge of the functions of
electrical generators.
Basic safety information
1) Protect children by ensuring that they remain at
a safe distance from electrical generator.
2) Fuel is flammable and ignites easily. Do not pour
fuel into the generator while the engine is running.
Do not pour fuel into the generator while smo-
king a cigarette or in the vicinity of an open flame.
Prevent fuel from spilling.
3) Certain parts of combustion engines are hot and
may cause burns. Pay attention to warnings on
electrical generators.
4) Engine exhaust fumes are toxic. Do not use electri-
city generators in unventilated rooms. In the event
that electricity generators are located in unventi-
lated rooms, other fire and explosion prevention
requirements must be adhered to.
d) Electrical safety
1) Prior to using electricity generators and their electrical
equipment (including cables, power sockets, etc.) they
must be inspected to ensure that they are not damaged.
2) This electricity generator must not be connected to
other power supply sources such as electrical power
grids. In special circumstances, where the generator
is intended to serve as a stand-by backup to existing
electrical systems, such a connection must be per-
formed only by a qualified electrician, who must
take into consideration the differences between
the operating equipment utilising the public power
grid and the operation of the electricity generator.
In accordance with this part of norm ISO 8528 the
differences must be specified in the user's manual.
3) Protection against injury by electrical shock
depends on the circuit breakers that are specially
adapted to the electricity generator. In the event
that circuit breakers need to be replaced, then they
must be replaced with circuit breakers with identi-
cal parameters and performance characteristics.
4) Due to the significant mechanical strain place on
them, only durable and flexible cables with rub-
ber insulation (meeting the requirements of norm
IED 60245-4) may be used.
5) If the electricity generator meets the requirements
of the protective function "protection by electri-
cal isolation" in accordance with annex B, B.
EN ISO 8528-13 grounding of generators is not neces-
sary (see paragraph grounding of the generator).
6) When using extension cords or mobile distribution
networks, the resistance value must not exceed 1.5 Ω.
The total length of cables with a conductor cross-sec-
tion of 1.5 mm
must not exceed 60 m. With a conduc-
tor cross-section of 2.5 mm
the length of the cable
must not exceed 100 m (with the exception of cases,
where the generator meets the requirements of the
protective function "protection by electrical isolation"
in accordance with annex B, B. EN ISO 8528-13).
Extension cords must be unwound along their entire
length for the purpose of cooling by ambient air.
7) Selection of the protective arrangement, which must
be performed based on the characteristic of the
generator, operating conditions and the diagram
of grounded connections determined by the user.
These instructions and user's manual must contain all
the information necessary for the user to be able to
correctly perform these protective measures (infor-
mation about grounding, permitted lengths of con-
necting cables, additional protection devices, etc.).
The user must adhere to the requirements of directives
related to electrical safety, which relate to the location
where the electricity generator is used.
Never start the equipment in an enclosed or partially
closed area and under conditions of insufficient coo-