14 Ordering details
Digital Governor Basic System PANDAROS II
Ordering details
Control device:
Designation DC X .6-0Y
X = actuator type used
16, 30 or 40
Y = application variant
0 … 5 (see terminal connection diagrams)
The hardware and software of the control device are adapted prior to delivery in line with the
application variant, including the control device type. All other settings that are required, such
as the number of teeth, speed range, limiting curves, dynamic parameters and start procedure,
must be set by the customer themselves.
In the case of the variants Y = 0 or Y = 3, the customer must also configure the inputs and
outputs. This requires a Heinzmann communication tool with access to level 6 parameters
(access to all parameters).
One of the types listed in chapter 9.3 must be specified here.
Lever arm:
The type listed in chapter 10.2 must be specified here.
Speed pickup:
One of the types listed in chapter 6.2.5 must be specified here.
Additional sensors:
If additional sensors or a setpoint adjuster are required, the ordering details can be found in
the corresponding chapters.
It is recommended to have the cable set produced at HEINZMANN. The necessary cable
lengths must be stated for the individual connections.
The cabling to the actuator and to the speed pickup must be performed by HEINZMANN in
all cases, as it is necessary in this context to use HEINZMANN plugs: the cables are soldered
onto the contacts of these plugs.
The order designations of the individual cables can be found in chapter 11.7.