12 Parametrization options
Digital Governor Basic System PANDAROS II
DcDesk 2000 also makes it possible for operating data to be saved to and loaded from data
carriers. This results in the following practical application:
Once the parameter settings for an engine design and its application have been specified,
the parameter setting can be saved. If there are other applications of the same type, the
setting can simply be transferred to new controllers.
Parametrization with user mask
Principally, parametrization may be performed with the help of user masks that have been
provided by
or may conveniently be created by the user himself. Within a
user mask, only those parameters are accessible which are actually needed.
Transferring data sets
Once parametrizing a particular engine model and its application has been completed, the
data set can be saved (in the hand held programmer or on a floppy disk). For other
applications of the same kind the data set can then be downloaded into the respective
control units.
Assembly line end programming
This type parametrizing is used by the engine manufacturer during the test bench run when
the control unit is programmed in accordance with the engine requirements as laid down in
the order.