Heath Heathkit SB-104A Manual Download Page 1



for  the 



Model  SB-104A 











Summary of Contents for Heathkit SB-104A


Page 2: ...on of th e p r oduct or ot a ny tur u sh ed componeen wi ll v oid thi s warranty i n t s entire ty T hi s warranty d oe s n ot includ e reimbursement f or inconvenience loss of u se cust om er assembl...

Page 3: ...the SINGLE SIDEBAND TRANSCEIVER Model SB 104A Assembly 595 1992 06 HEATH C O M P A N Y BENTON HARBOR MICHIGAN 4 9 0 2 2 Copyright g 1977 Heath Company A l l R i g h ts Reserved Printed i n t he United...

Page 4: ...BLY NOTES 1 7 CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY 1 9 VARIABLE FREQ UENCY OSCILLATOR VFO AND EXTENDER BOARD Parts List 1 1 1 Step by Step Assembly Extender Circuit Board 1 17 Extender Block 1 1 8 Oscillator Circui...

Page 5: ...mit and receive The Transceiver operates from a 13 8 VDC power input which can be furnished by a power supply or direct from a battery The panel meter can be switched to read supply voltage or relativ...

Page 6: ...Page 1 4 C EEESEE...

Page 7: ...l contains its own Parts List and Step by Step Assembly instructions At the beginning of each Parts List you will be told which parts pack to remove from the box and open You may also be directed to r...

Page 8: ...Page 1 6 C E IESE...

Page 9: ...NOTE Always use rosin core radio type solder 60 40 o r 50 50 tin lead content for a ll o f the soldering in this kit This i s the type w e have supplied with the parts The Warranty will b e void and...

Page 10: ...Page 1 8 C E IESE...

Page 11: ...y their part number These are listed in e ac h Parts List and printed on the component side o f each circuit board When you have finished mounting the parts on a circuit board se t the board aside unt...

Page 12: ...Page 1 10 C EIEEE...

Page 13: ...the envelope after you identify i t until it i s called fo r in a step Do not throw away any packing materials until all parts are accounted for QTY DESCRIPTION HEATH CIRCUIT No Component No RESISTOR...

Page 14: ...1 C1234 2 RF choke INDUCTORS I e 9 5 L1201 L1202 L1203 RFC1201 RFC1202 C1201 C 1 2 1 1 C1212 C1202 C 1 2 1 4 C 1 2 1 6 C1203 C1204 c1227 C1205 C1206 C1207 C1225 C1208 C1213 C 1 2 1 5 C1226 C1228 C1232...

Page 15: ...ANSISTORS NOTE Transistors may be marked in any o f the following four ways 1 2 1 2N3393 transistor MPF 105 transistor 2N3638A transistor VFO chassis VFO shield VFO bracket 4 1 7 1 1 8 417 169 417 234...

Page 16: ...EATH No 250 323 252 15 254 9 250 138 250 56 250 475 250 11 254 1 259 1 259 6 252 7 255 1 255 2 255 21 250 13 253 60 255 102 253 36 432 124 CIRCUIT Component No C E ESE Other Hardware 1 Control nut 8 1...

Page 17: ...ier drive long shaft Vernier drive short shaft DESCRIPTION 1 aTY MISCELLANEOUS 2 Fish paper 75 90 1 Heat sink 215 63 Cement tube 350 12 2 Board puller 207 80 4 Extender block 255 108 Nut starter 490 5...

Page 18: ...i 4 I 4 n t t 4 n t i i t l i i 4 i Parts From Pack 1 0 cont d LABEL NOTE Find the blue and white label in your kit Now copy the numbers from it onto the space provided in the illustration above Refe...

Page 19: ...ct o f e a ch connector is toward the center o f the circuit board Six circuit board connectors Six circuit board connectors C I R C U I T B O A R D E D G E D E P R E S S D C O N l A C T C O M P O r i...

Page 20: ...The pins are a light fit A small hammer may be helpful Install an extender pin in each o f the five remaining holes in the extender block Install extender pins in the remaining three extender blocks P...

Page 21: ...o f the 1 Q2 brown black green resistor a s shown Solder the leads together a t the indicated locations 0 D E R 5 6 5 6 B A N D LE D S 4 1 S O L D E R L E A D S ire a 4 D1204 1 M O 1N4149 R 1 2 0 1 12...

Page 22: ...ads to the foil and cu t o ff the excess lead lengths NOTES 1 Cut t h e following wires t o th e proper l ength s a nd remove 1 4 o f insulation from ea ch end unless directed o t h e rw i se i n a st...

Page 23: ...t board for the following condi tions Unsoldered connections Cold solder connections Solder bridges between foil patterns Protruding leads No lead should be longer than 1 8 Transistors for the proper...

Page 24: ...cess lead lengths NOTE When y o u install a diode always match the band on the diode with the band mark o n t h e c i r cu i t board circuit board 85 Solder all leads t o t he foil a nd c u t o ff the...

Page 25: ...0 1684 Insert t h e leads in t h e holes and then bend the coil over a s shown Solder the leads t o the foil a nd cut off the excess lead lengths Solder the leads to the foil a n d c u t o ff t he exc...

Page 26: ...OUTPUT 1 3 4 r ed wire t o 1 1 1 1 2 small b a r e wire t o GND R1232 2000 variable Solder t h e leads o f the control when you install it B e sure the c o n t r o l is pushed down tight against t h...

Page 27: ...e into the bushing efer t o Pictorial 1 9 and mount the short shaft vernier drive o n the front o f the VFO chassis a t FR and FU Js e two 6 3 2 x 1 screws two 7 16 spacers four flat washers and two 6...

Page 28: ...for in a step only the screw size will be given For instance i f 6 32 x 3 8 hardware is called for it means that a 6 32 x 3 8 screw one o r more 6 lockwashers and a 6 32 nut should b e used fo r eac...

Page 29: ...handling C1201 Refer t o Part 2 o f Detail 1 1 1 8 and insert the shaft o f the variable capacitor through hole C1201 in th e mounting bracket Then mount the variable capacitor on the VFO mounting bra...

Page 30: ...Booklet Page 1 for the follpwing steps Position the orange wire out o f the way toward the back of the VFO and the red gray and bare wires straight up from the buffer circuit board Then remove the nut...

Page 31: ...3 s S H E E T Detail 1 128 METAL S C R E W i e ii 1 12B and from the front o f the sh 4an4s4a 8sheet metal screws into holes 5 E X F F FH an Fd D o not tighten t h screws yet l ure the lower part o f...

Page 32: ...B A R E W I R E et Detail 1 12D for the next tw o steps V Refer t o Part 1 o f Detail 1 12D and install female terminals on the free end of the bare wire and on the free ends of the orange gray and r...

Page 33: ...erials until a ll parts are accounted for 0TY DESCRIPTION HEATH No CIRCUIT Component No RESISTORS 1 2 Watt 100 9 brown black 6 101 R226 brown 150 brown green 6 151 R252 brown 1 220 0 red red brown 6 2...

Page 34: ...334 R212 yellow 2 470 k 0 yellow violet 6 474 R 2 1 1 R248 yellow 1 680 k0 blue gray 6 684 R223 yellow 1 1 5 MO brown green 6 155 R207 green 2 2 2 Mn red red green 6 225 R206 225 1 3 3 Mn orange orang...

Page 35: ...e marked for identification in one o f th e following four ways 1 Part number 2 Type number On integrated circuits this refers only t o the numbers th e letters may be different or missing 3 Part numb...

Page 36: ...r o f this Manual Your Warranty is located inside the front cover For pricing information refer t o the separate Heath Parts Price List MISCELLANEOUS OR _ _ t _ CIRCUIT 85 1580 5 No Component No HEATH...

Page 37: ...nnector should face away from th e ed ge o f the circuit board Insert the mounting ta bs through the circuit board untit th e r i d g es o f th e c o n n ec t o r a r e firmly against th e circuit boa...

Page 38: ...t Solder t h e leads t o t h e foil and cut off the excess lead lengths Z0203 Zener diode 56 16 D205 1N4149 diode 56 56 J imn p e r wire Use a 1 small bare FB install three ferrite beads Use 1 small b...

Page 39: ...in this Pictorial are i t this a r e of the ctcuit board e PICTORIAL 2 3 IDENTIFICATION DRAWING 10 k 2 brown black orange 2 1 7 4700 2 yellow vioietred Solder the leads t o the toil and cut off the ex...

Page 40: ...ads t o th e f oi l and cu t otf the e xcess lead lengths J J J J J 7 PICTORIAL 2 4 C O N T I N U E NOTE When y ou install electrolytic and tan talurn capacitors b e sure t o m a t ch the posi tive ca...

Page 41: ...stor leads into their correct holes indicated b y E C and B Solder ea ch lead t o t he foil a nd cut o ff th e excess lead length NOTE A n I C lifter has been furnished t o remove a n IC from its sock...

Page 42: ...conditions CIRCUIT BOARD CHECKOUT 1 e 2E The steps performed in this Pictorial are i n tt ar ea o f the circuit board IDENTIFICATION DRAWING PICTORIAL 2 6 e 1 4 _ 0 v c i c J L e 4 ire r 7 1C202 MF C6...

Page 43: ...til i t i s called f or i n a step D o n ot throw away any packing materials until a ll pa rts are accounted for QTY DESCRIPTION HEATH CIRCUIT No Component No RESISTORS 1 2 Watt A 22 0 red red black 6...

Page 44: ...R437 R461 R472 R473 4 1 5 k brown green 6 153 R403 R407 orange 4 1 1 RR414 3 2 2 k n red red 6 223 R443 R447 orange R448 47 k 9 yellow violet 6 473 R442 orange 9 100 k9 brown black 6 104 R402 R408 yel...

Page 45: ...17 C447 2 001 F 21 140 C443 446 2 2 0 1 f 21 176 402 0406 408 C411 415 0419 0424 427 432 0434 435 436 438 C442 C445 C44 8 C451 C455 C459 464 468 C473 1 u F 21 95 C44 9 INDUCTORS e8 5 4 8 0 5 u H coil...

Page 46: ...08 D40 9 D410 0411 0412 D413 D414 D415 0416 D417 D418 D419 D420 D421 D422 D423 D425 4 F H 1 1 00 diode 56 87 D427 D428 0429 D430 2 2N2369 transistor 417 154 0405 0 406 4 MPS6521 transistor 417 172 040...

Page 47: ...15f 1 Circuit board 85 1418 4 T o order a replacement part always include the PART NUMBER Use the Parts Order Form furnished with this kit If one i s not available se e Replacement Parts inside the re...

Page 48: ...insula ti in f r o m t h e inner lead Prepare both ends of a 5 shielded cable a s follows D O NOT use the RRG 58A U coaxial cable C I R C U I T B O A R D E D G E Install circuit b o a r d connectors...

Page 49: ...e bead t o t h e circuit board F I I H z K oOo o D427 0430 Four F H 1 1 0 O diodes 56 87 D426 1 N 1 9 1 diode 56 26 Two 1N4149 diodes 56 56 Make sure the lead a t the anded end o f diode D425 does not...

Page 50: ...Install nine 1000 Q brown black red resistors at C O N T I N U E O PART NUMBER R457 Ed R459 3 900 2 orange white red 3 9 9 1 orange white black 2200 Q2 red red red 1000 Q2 brown black red Solder the...

Page 51: ...or i s T P test point I I I IDENTIFICATION DRAWING The steps performed in this Pictorial are in this area of the circuit board 0 7 _ _ _ i I oor o RR461 4700 g2 yellow violet red R473 4700 9 R404 3300...

Page 52: ...ca C458 3 0 pf mica 0457 3 00 p f mica C456 3 0 p F mica C454 7 5 pF mica C453 470 pF mica 452 7 5 p F mica c401 100 p f mice C40 5 100 pf m ic C409 4 7 pf mica 412 4 7 pF mica Solder the leads t o th...

Page 53: ...nsistor fits down against th e circuit board The steps performed in this Pictorial are i n this area o f the circuit board IDENTIFICATION DRAWING CJ _ PICTORIAL 3 6 PART I Page 1 51 C O N T I N U E NO...

Page 54: ...RAWING PICTORIAL 3 7 PART C E E E C O N T I N U E O NOTE Each crystal frequency i s screened on the circuit board The component numbers are also screened except for Y403 Y405 and Y407 Be sure you moun...

Page 55: ...d e a c h d oles t e r m i o a r i E t _ f D I O D E a lengths p 4 y ti j zig i 7 i ii gm isi 3 5l g jj k g 1 z Pl 0 v l I I 56 24 Con 1 58 diodes i ii s i i i 3 e e _ r t _J L422 L423 T 40 1050 _ o t...

Page 56: ...and remove the adhesive backing Press the letter onto the circuit board at the location shown CIRCUIT BOARD CHECKOUT Carefully inspect the circuit board f o r the following conditions Unsoldered conne...

Page 57: ...ed f o r in a step Do not throw awa y any packing materials until all parts are accounted for QTY DESCRIPTION HEATH CIRCUIT No Component No RESISTORS 1 4 Watt 6 2200 9 red red red 6 222 12 R 1 5 1 1 5...

Page 58: ...N U M B E R S A R E S T A M P E D O N M O S T D I O D E S 58 DIODES TRANSISTORS h T P 10 1N4149 silicon diode 56 56 D101 D110 4 1 N2071 silicon diode 57 27 D851 D854 1 2N2369 transistor 417 154 0101...

Page 59: ...434 299 1 Phono socket 434 186 J101 F 3 5 i PARTS FROM PACK 10 2 1 21 4 1 1 Board puller Crystal Ferrite b ead 6 x 3 8 screw Converter circuit board Display circuit board Counter circuit board 207 80...

Page 60: ...ll four 1 p f disc capacitors at FOR GOOD SOLDE CONNECTIONS YOU MUST KEE THE SOLDERING IR TIP CLEAN _ WI E IT OFTEN _ w H A DAMP SI O N G E C L o T i C O N T I N U E 4 Solder t he leads t o th e foil...

Page 61: ...M I N U S M A R K 0862 MPSU05 transistor 417 224 0851 MPSU05 transistor 417 224 NOTE T o install this transistor po si t i o n i t with th e beveled corners a s shown in the Pictorial Insert t he l e...

Page 62: ...train on the feedthrough capacitors a s the ceramic insulation can be damaged Mount the shield top t o the shield box with tw o 6 x 3 8 screws Disregard the tw o unused holes Se t the assembly aside u...

Page 63: ...the 16 pin IC sockets furnished are o f tw o different sizes use the smaller 16 pin sockets on this circuit board Insert the socket pins into the hotes The halt moon mark on the circuit board should s...

Page 64: ...down against the circuit board Then solder the connectors t o the foil A t the lettered locations within the shaded areas for each step I I _ _ _J I I i L _ _j Solder the leads t o the foil and cut o...

Page 65: ...pro cess for the other row o f pins IC151 through IC156 DD700 o r DMBBBO IC 443 602 Before y o u apply downward pressure t o an I C make sure ea ch IC pin i s centered i n i ts proper socket aperture...

Page 66: ...o f the tube as shown in the Pictorial Then carefully fit the wire sockets into the circuit board holes Push the tube into the board as far a s possible Install wire sockets on the 17 unbent pins o f...

Page 67: ...lengths o f small bare w i r e Solder ea ch w i r e e nd t o the foil a nd cu t off the excess lead lengths One 1 3 8 bare wire Connect five of these wires t o jumper each o f the indicated J position...

Page 68: ...r connect fo u r f j 1 1 J J I _ _ jumpers h In a similar manner connect s i x jumpers Cut five 1 small bare wires and connect them a s short jumper wires across the J positions within the boxed area...

Page 69: ...all five ferrite beads Solder all leads t o the foil and cut o ff the excess l ead lengths Be sure y ou solder all connections Solder all leads t o the foil and cut o ff the excess lead lengths Be sur...

Page 70: ...foil side o f the circuit board t o make sure they all extend through the circuit board Insert the socket pins into the holes The halt moon mark on the circuit board should still b e visible after i...

Page 71: ...pressed on one e nd This d e pr e s s ed e nd o f t h e connector should fa ce away from t h e ed g e o f the circuit bo ar d Insert the mounting t a b s through t h e circuit bo ar d until t h e ridg...

Page 72: ...1 1 1 i w t ed circuits i t e r a te SN7400N 443 1 c 1 1 2 i nt eg r a t ed circuit g will install IC s M A R K E D mz l e s i t HA M O O N M A R K d Pressure t o an ir downward j u a More m p f s n a...

Page 73: ...lengths B e sure touch g s crystal does no t trimmer installed in the capacitor you preceding step I I The steps performed this area o f t s in this Pictorial i e circuit board are 1 i I a I 1 I I i l...

Page 74: ...tification label sheet Carefully remove the protective backing from the letter A and press this letter on the circuit board a s shown CIRCUIT BOARO CHECKOUT Carefully inspect the circuit board tor the...

Page 75: ...er o n i t should be placed back in the envelope after you identify i t until it is called for In a step Do not throw away any packing materials until a ll parts are accounted for QTY DESCRIPTION HEAT...

Page 76: ...is ti sir a 57 65 D901 D902 2 CD 3342 or PT6619 417 830 0901 0902 transistor 2N5770 transistor 417 293 01251 0 7 C1251 C901 C903 C909 C904 C907 C911 C912 C913 C914 C915 C916 C1252 C1255 R903 90 3 21 2...

Page 77: ...85 1930 1 PARTS FROM PACK 10 CIRCUIT Component No L901 L902 L 1 2 5 1 L 1 2 5 3 L1252 RFC901 RFC902 RFC903 250 162 254 1 255 1 255 23 252 4 40 1052 40 1869 40 1872 45 73 45 82 HEATH No 432 124 434 186...

Page 78: ...nd B will b e connected later 0 1 2 5 1 2 N 5 7 7 0 transistor 417 293 First line up the flat on the transistor with the outline of the flat on the circuit board Then insert the transistor leads into...

Page 79: ...idges o f the connector are firmly against the circuit board Look a t the row o f connectors t o make sure the depressed end o f the contact o f each connector i s toward th e center o f the circuit b...

Page 80: ...board Solder the leads t o the f oi l and cu t o f f the excess lead lengths 1II Solder the leads t o the foil and cu t o ff the excess l e ad lengths C906 1 F Mylar C901 4 7 0 p f disc 906 2 60 F ele...

Page 81: ...R Carefully stretch an O ring onto the round white top of each transistor 2 Be SURE the transistor studs are perpendicular t o the circuit board before you solder Cut the four leads of each of the CD...

Page 82: ...e used PICTORIAL 6 5 0 4 IO 0 DODD R903 2 2 0 92 2 watt r e d r e d brown 904 4 7 0 n 1 watt yellow violet brown U se a n ohmmeter t o make sure there i s a n o p e n circuit b e tw ee n e ach phone s...

Page 83: ...ansistors for the proper type and installation ditions Unsoldered connections Cold solder connections Solder bridges between foll patterns Protruding leads No lead should be longer than 1 8 Electrolyt...

Page 84: ...avoid damage t o the power transistors it i s important a t y ou follow exactly the instructions for tightenir the nuts in the following steps Start a transistor nut onto each transistor stud a t D an...

Page 85: ...nvelope after you identify it until It is called f or in a step Do not throw away any packing materials until all parts are accounted for 0TY DESCRIPTION HEATH CIRCUIT No Component No RESISTORS 1 220...

Page 86: ...104 20 103 2 0 1 1 4 20 121 2 0 1 1 5 20 113 20 167 20 107 20 171 20 122 20 137 21 3 21 140 25 922 40 1861 40 1966 40 1967 40 1865 40 1867 40 1968 40 1969 40 1869 40 1870 40 1011 40 1713 C806 C812 C80...

Page 87: ...F connector I 2 MPSA20 transistor 417 801 0801 0802 2 Phono socket 434 186 e PART FROM PACK 10 ALC output filter 85 2187 1 circuit board T o order a replacement part always include the PART NUMBER Us...

Page 88: ...rown green brown R805 3300 2 orange orange red R806 3 300 92 orange orange red so1 3300 9 trreoraroe ref E l RR809 4700 92 yellow violet red R804 220 2 red red brown Install si x circuit board connect...

Page 89: ...40 1966 green dot NOTE T o mo u nt a circuit board sock e t se a t the socket i n its hole o n the top o f the circuit board Turn the circuit board over a nd support the sock e t with the corner o f...

Page 90: ...the flat on the transistor with the flat on the circuit board Then insert the transistor leads into the corresponding E B and C holes i n the circuit board Soder the leads to t he foil and cu t off th...

Page 91: ...ths IDENTIFICATION DRAWING AA i ll uMBE 0 H peaking coil 40 001 F disc 300 p F mica 001 F disc 3 C829 001 F disc 13 p H coil 40 1861 white au r ed dots 80 44 u H coil 40 1865 wh i t e a green dots 4 4...

Page 92: ...INDEX NOTCH PICTORIAL 7 5 2 BARE 1 1 2 acs c7 B o c 0 1 1 4 wire from D to switch lug 2 0 1 1 2 wire from C t o switch lug 18 Prepare the following lengths o f gray wire 1 1 4 wire from X t o switch...

Page 93: ...not throw away any packing materials until all parts are accounted for QTY DESCRIPTION HEATH CIRCUIT RESISTORS 1 4 Watt No Component No 2 3 5 2 2 270 0 10 red violet 1 2 1 1 2 brown silver 330 orange...

Page 94: ...R644 654 red R664 668 1 5600 green blue 6 562 12 R612 red 4 6800 0 blue gray red 6 682 12 R602 R614 R623 R631 8 10 k 0 brown black 6 103 12 R 6 1 1 R615 orange R617 640 R642 R651 R653 R661 2 2 2 k 0 r...

Page 95: ...C629 C631 C632 C636 0639 641 647 648 0651 652 C6 53 C646 622 C635 C 644 C608 C649 0601 D602 D603 D604 0605 D 606 D612 D613 0607 D608 0609 D611 D614 D615 40 486 40 1685 40 1696 25 276 25 212 25 223 31...

Page 96: ...Hz 3395 kHz filter 3 9 1 1 1 1 100 92control 2 Board puller 2 4 Circuit board connector 3 Ferrite bead 2 4 40 nut 2 4 lockwasher TRANSISTORS CRYSTALS Carrier generator Xtal 85 1581 6 filter circuit bo...

Page 97: ...mounting tabs through the circuit board until the ridges o f the connector are firmly against the circuit board Look a t the row o f connectors t o make sure the depressed end of the contact o f each...

Page 98: ...0613 0603 0602 D606 D601 2 3 8 gr a y jumper wi r e 0607 D608 06 09 D6 1 1 Four FHT TOO diodes 56 87 1g r a y jumper w i r e Solder th e l eads to th e foil and cut o ff th e excess l ead lengths Sold...

Page 99: ...00 2 yellow violet red 4700 Q yellow violet red 4700 2 yellow violet red 100 2 brown black brown 1 00 2 brown black brown 1500 2 brown green red 1 2 3 6 8 00 2 blue gray red 621 100 2 brown black brow...

Page 100: ...y brown R667 270 2 red violet brown R665 2 7 0 2 red violet brown Solder the leads t o the foil and cut o ff the excess lead lengths 0 8 PICTORIAL 8 4 yellow violet red R658 330 n orange orange RR638...

Page 101: ...at I ns ta l l nine 0 1 F li sc C O N T I N U E PART NUMBER 7e q I 0 0636 t 0852 648 0628 06 1 6 6 1 5 6 1 7 C6 1 4 06 1 9 01 F disc capacitors at Install sev e n ed in this Pictorial are in Th e s t...

Page 102: ...ve m ar k or col o r d ot o n t h e capa ci t or wi t h the positive mark o n th e circuit board as shown MAY BE M A R K E D W I T H P O S I T I V E t S I G N OR C O L O R DOT 4 P O S I T I V E S I G...

Page 103: ...B Solder each l ead t o the foil a nd cut off the excess lead lengths C O N T I N U E O transistors MPSA20 0 Install three 41401at o h4 o 4 6ops B e r r L 6i Ll a r l l i i 0 R U7 e l o i t 8 0604 060...

Page 104: ...ed either way L 5 NOTE T h e following crystal frequencies l a s well a s the component numbers are screened on the circuit board Be sure you mount each crystal in its correct location Then solder the...

Page 105: ...I f y o u a r e n o t installing t h e C W F i l i Accessory kit n o w i t i s ESSEI IAL t you install th e two r wires i p th e following steps Cut a letter F from the terminal identification sheet a...

Page 106: ...Page 1 104 C E IESE...

Page 107: ...i t is called for in a step Do not throw away any packing materials until all parts are accounted for QTY DESCRIPTION HEATH CIRCUIT No Component No RESISTORS 1 2 Watt 1 14 4 7 0 yellow violet 6 470 b...

Page 108: ...n brown black 6 103 RR518 4 orange 3 1 5 k brown green 6 153 R507 R 5 1 1 orange R554 1 22 kQ red red orange 6 223 R574 2 33 k n orange orange 6 333 R547 R548 orange 1 39 k n orange white 6 393 R516 o...

Page 109: ...No 25 157 25 922 25 924 25 115 25 248 27 62 21 143 21 95 21 176 21 140 20 104 20 178 20 114 20 171 3 1 2 2 5 11 2 68 12 HEATH No 40 1686 40 1687 40 1688 475 10 DESCRIPTION 82 0 2 watt gray red silver...

Page 110: ...N4149 56 56 D501 D505 D511 D514 1 1N750A 56 59 Z0602 4 FH1100 56 87 D506 D509 2 TRANSISTORS 9 MPSA20 417 801 0502 0505 fr 0507 0609 0512 0514 1 2N3643 417 233 0515 1 2N3638A 417 234 0517 3 2N4121 417...

Page 111: ...40 x 1 4 screw 250 52 2 4 40 nut 252 2 J 2 t 4 lockwasher 254 9 i PART FROM PACK 10 1 Receiver IF audio 85 1462 6 circuit board T o order a replacement part always include the PART NUMBER Use the Part...

Page 112: ...n the circuit board C O N T I N U E PART NUMBER IDENTIFICATION DRAWING Install twenty four circuit board connectors i n the following manner Note that inside each connector the spring contact is depre...

Page 113: ...yellow 2400 2 r e y e l l o w r e d 180 k n brown gray yellow 1500 Q2 brown green red 8 2 0 2 gray red brown 5 1 9 470 2 yellow violet brown 5 1 7 2700 2 red violet red Solder al leads t o the foil an...

Page 114: ...the circuit board 0 2 l A i e U 3900 Q2 orange white red 4700 2 yellow violet red 1500 Q2 brown green red Solder all leads t o t h e foil a n d c u t o ff the excess lead lengths 561 2 0 k92 1 R556 1...

Page 115: ...er i t is installed So l d e r the pins t o t he foil OR N O T C H t i 4 L er jf A L f M O O N ii M A R K C O N T I N U E PART NUMBEF d I AN IDENTIFICATION DRAWING this area o f t h e circuit board Th...

Page 116: ...ad s t o t h e f o i l a nd cu t o ff t he e x cess l ead lengths Solder all leads t o the foil and cu t o ff the excess lead lengths 50 3 C502 517 C501 C508 C512 C511 C514 C515 c533 C619 tall eleven...

Page 117: ...d t o t h e foil a n d c u t off t h e e x ce ss l e a d lengths Th e n rerove t h e shorting wi r e f r om th e transistor leads S H O R T I NG re EN 5y PART NUMBER l 1 0 IDENTIFICATION DRAWING CJ 0...

Page 118: ...wi l l h a v e a p l u s m a rk o r a minus mark near it Be su re t o install t h e positive l e a d i n th e positive marked hole B e careful only th e negative l ea d may b e marked OR D tJ M I N U...

Page 119: ...ION DRAWING The steps performed in this Pictorial are i n this area of the circuit board SJE608 transistor 417 264 Mount this transistor in a similar manner 4 4 0 r 1 4 S C R E W IJ 4 L O C K W A S H...

Page 120: ...Page 1 118 G E EST...

Page 121: ...ing materials until all parts are accounted for QTY DESCRIPTION HEATH CIRCUIT No Component No s RESISTORS I 5 10 0 1 2 watt 6 100 R951 R953 brown black black R955 R957 R958 100 0 1 2 watt 6 1 0 1 R952...

Page 122: ...434 186 3 5 16 ferrite bead 475 12 FB 3 78 3 16 ferrite bead 475 17 L951 L952 L953 L954 L955 L956 L957 L 9 5 8 Circuit board 85 1423 Circuit board 85 1424 PART FROM PACK 10 1 Circuit board 85 2055 1...

Page 123: ...s in the following manner Note that inside each connector th e spring contact i s depressed on one end This depressed end o f t he connector must face aw a y from t he edge of the circuit board Insert...

Page 124: ...shown i n the following detail Solder the outer shield t o the circuit bo ar d foll Then bend th e inner lug over until its hole is aligned with the open hole in t he foil B e sure the inner lug does...

Page 125: ...l d er bo th l ea d s t o ne l ead t o t h e g 1 F disc So l d er t he l e a d s t o t h e f o i l a n d cu t o f f t h e e x c ess l ea d lengths PICTORIAL 11 3 7 I I 4 J I 1 I I I I I I 1 4 16 6 L...

Page 126: ...t he circumference o f e a c h tube Re move t h e small board fr o m t he t o p o f t he tubes temporarily S M A L L B O A R D P A R T N U M B E R Four sh ort brass tubes U se circuit boa rd 85 1423...

Page 127: ...ing S e t this tube and beads in place a t LC on the circuit board Place three more ferrite beads inside a 1 2 length o f large tubing Set this tube in place a t LD on the circuit board This step and...

Page 128: ...ds on each brass tube LL and LM NOTE Carefully position the bead assemblies on the top o f the circuit board in the following steps A piece of plastic tape might b e helpful t o hold them in place unt...

Page 129: ...the wire insulation and the edge o f the hole so the soldering heat will not soften the f _lation and possibly cause a short circuit i nnect the red wire coming from L C t o hole Z S 1 Connect the gra...

Page 130: ...B Connect the end of the wire t o hole P S 1 Conn t o n e end o f a 19 stranded white wire t o hole J S Wrap five complete turns o f wire through tu L M and LL Connect the end o f the wire t o hole s...

Page 131: ...ead does not cover the holes indicated in the Pictorial Trim the base lead a s necessary t o clear the hole Push the leads against the circuit board foil When soldering run the solder along the edges...

Page 132: ...t t he c i r c u i t board foil When soldering run the solder along the e d g e s o f t h e leads a s close a s possible to the transistor body It may help t o press the lead against the circuit board...

Page 133: ...ons Unsoldered connections Cold solder connections Solder bridges between foil patterns Protruding leads N o l e a d should be m or e t h a n 1 8 Transistors f or t h e proper ty p e an d installation...

Page 134: ...oil Place the heat sink onto the four transistor studs as shown Use the nuts provided with the transistors If no nuts were packed with the transistors use 8 32 nuts with 2N6456 transistors or 10 32 nu...

Page 135: ...nent No 1 133 R19 R21 13 R16 R17 R12 RF DET R 7 R 8 R9 R 1 R3 R2 1 _ Rt8 R5 R6 1 t 3 3 24 1 5 0 2 watt brown 3 14 2 green silver gold 33 0 2 watt orange 3 2 2 orange silver gold 15 0 1 watt 10 1 1 2 1...

Page 136: ...1 D5 D6 RF Det zD D7 D2 D3 D 4 0 1 0 2 CIRCUIT Component No 64 673 64 674 60 2 63 721 63 722 25 915 25 149 25 54 25 98 25 157 25 219 20 109 27 47 21 60 21 140 21 176 57 34 56 26 56 19 56 8 9 56 56 417...

Page 137: ...ESCRIPTION HEATH No 69 72 266 1114 266 1117 CIRCUIT Component No R y I N S U L A T O R S SHEET METAL PARTS 4 Large plastic grommet 73 45 1 Small plastic grommet 73 52 2 T r ansi st or socket insulator...

Page 138: ...TS cont d 1 C h assi s Front pan el 25 r 4 z p 308 J 204 2003 205 1432 4 205 1555 205 1556 203 1596 3 204 102 204 1918 No Component No 200 1232 203 1532 2 Meter bracket Panel trim strip Right side pan...

Page 139: ...IRCUIT Component No Page 1 137 P A shield 7 clips one 206 1102 side 1 clip other side 1 Lateral shield 206 1103 ALC output filter 206 1265 shield HARDWARE 2 2 3 and 4 Hardware 4 2 56 x 11 16 screw 250...

Page 140: ...mponent No 6 Hardware 2 6 3 2 x 3 8 flat head 250 32 sc r ew 46 6 32x 3 8 screw 250 89 4 6 x 3 8 fl at head 250 441 sheet metal sc r ew 4 6 x 3 8 h e x head 250 475 sheet metal screw 10 6 32 x 1 2 scr...

Page 141: ...SOCKETS 4 3 Spring clip 260 16 Microphone cable 432 38 connector 1 Microphone panel 432 39 connector 26 Wire connector 432 120 _ l 4 Male terminal 432 854 30 Chassis connector 432 180 J 6 0 9 1 Femal...

Page 142: ...LANEOUS SHAFTS BUSHINGS I e 453 249 134 887 462 175 462 933 462 906 453 250 455 15 5 1 4 shaft Wiring harness Tapered knob Small knob Large knob 8 shaft Shaft collar 1 2 5 1 1 2 I KNOBS 3 4 1 Small fe...

Page 143: ...arness P 2 Lamp shield No Heat sink 206 86 215 79 2 Tapered f oo t 4 3 Rubber fo ot 255 59 Thermal 261 9 compound 352 31 a 1 I 2 Meter 1813 lamp 407 187 412 58 Insulated s screwdr Circuit b o a r 490...

Page 144: ...cellaneous cont d T o order a replacement part always include the PART NUMBER Use the Parts Order Form furnished with this kit If one is not available s e e Replacement Parts inside t h e rear cover o...

Page 145: ...wn until i t snaps into place use a screwdriver blade i f necessary P O I N T E D U G S B E N D T H E L A R G E P O R T I O N OF THE G R O M M E T O V E R A N D I N T O THE SMALL P O R T I O N P R E S...

Page 146: ...n b e installed only one way Detail 12 1E Refer t o Detail 12 1E and open one o f the thermal compound pods b y cutting across the corner and into the p od just enough t o make a small opening Use dia...

Page 147: ...1F following steps handle the socket insulators In the same manner prepare the other transistor socket Insulator and mount an MHT9210 transistor and a transistor socket at 01 U se a n ohmmeter t o ma...

Page 148: ...l strips aside tern rarily 4 y SAVE DISCARD Refer t o Detail 12 28 and loosely assemble seven circuit board shields t o the P A shield the lateral shield and the left side panel B e sure the screw tab...

Page 149: ...holes BX BY and BZ Tighten th e shield assembly screws in th e following sequence 1 L eft side panel screws except the tw o holding the lateral shield 2 A l rews i n the P A shield 3 T o screws holdin...

Page 150: ...nd mount the prepared 4 lug terminal strip at BP with a 6 x 1 2 hex head sheet metal screw and a 6lockwasher Be sure to posi tion the terminal strip as shown in the Pictorial 1 4 I z I I I S A V E D I...

Page 151: ...e wire and heat the parts thoroughly Then touch the end o f the solder t o the joint and melt a small amount of solder on the parts B e positive that each wire i s soldered Two or more wires may b e o...

Page 152: ...0 D 55SEE 4eE8 EE3EM 4 6ks 57 B e cu oS RAY G R A Y 0 R G PICTORIAL 12 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 INCH9 L g Ly J i I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i i I i I I I I I I i I i i i I I I rrrrrr f 4 1 1 1 7 0 8...

Page 153: ...with a f ew exceptions will b e soldered a t the time it i s connected t o a chassis connector terminal T o aid you in checking your work if one or more have previously been soldered t o the terminal...

Page 154: ...inal E 1 7 S 1 to terminal E21 S 1 PICTORIAL 12 6 meet the prepared wires a s follows 3 gray from terminal ES S 1 to terminal E9 S 1 3 gray 1 3 4 gray 3 gray 3 1 2 gray 3 3 4 gray 4 gray 4 5 8 g r a y...

Page 155: ...e and onnect the wire t o terminal D 4 S 1 Red wire to terminal D1 S 1 3 6 r e d 3 3 4 gray 7 orange 14 gray terminal F3 S 1 2 t o terminal F 1 7 the prepared wires a s follows terminal E 1 1 S 1 3 t...

Page 156: ...u install the gray wire push the eads down against the chassis so the cement will hold them t the chassis 1 2 4 of 0 PICTORIAL 12 0h 4 1 4 gray 1 3 4 gray 3 3 4 gray 4 orange 5 orange 5 gray Connect t...

Page 157: ...NS onnect one end o f a 4 red wire to section D lug 2 S 2 The other end o f the wire will be connected later 2 1 2 red 4 red 1 1 2 red 6 r ed 1 1 2 gray 3 1 2 gray red 1 2 r ed gray Connect one end o...

Page 158: ...on n ect a 1 g r a y wi r e f r o m s ecti o n E lug 2 S 1 t o secti on E lug 5 NS Remove a n additional 1 4 o f insulation from pn e end o f th e 4 g r a y wire t o t al 1 2 Push this wire through l...

Page 159: ...t below the bottom edge o f the chassis il 12 10C D C O N T R O L NUT C O N TR O L FLAT W A S H R As d C O N T R O L NUT T R O L FLAT W A S H ER R9 le f e r t o Detail 12 10C and mount the 10 k g2 ont...

Page 160: ...with one o r more colored stripes such a s white red or white brown brown Be very careful when you select the harness wires as for example it is very easy t o confuse white yellow with white yellow ye...

Page 161: ...he group o f wires through grommet BD Refer t o Pictorial 12 12 and place the wiring harness against the bottom o f the chassis with a right angle bend at B O 1 1 Position the harness s o the wires fr...

Page 162: ...re coming from switch S3 section lug 2 t o terminal strip BE lug 2 NS Connect the gray wire coming from switch S3 section E lug 2 t o terminal strip BE lug 3 NS Connect the lead a t the banded end o f...

Page 163: ...n C lug 4 S 1 n t o section E lug 3 S 1 t o section E lug 1 S 1 onnect harness wires as follows ite green t o section B lug 3 S 2 B lug 4 S 1 B e sure ite yellow t o section A lug 3 S 1 Co ect harness...

Page 164: ...nnect the wires as follows 8 Connect harness wires as follows Short white yellow t o A16 S 1 Brown t o A 7 S 1 Yellow t o A1 1 S 1 White red t o A 6 S 1 Short white red t o A14 S 1 Short white orange...

Page 165: ...een brown t o G 1 1 S 1 4 Refer te Pitorial 12 16 Illustration Booklet Page 9 for the fol o ng steps n ec t harness wires a s follows e green brown t o D7 S 1 2 nnect harness wires as follows low t o...

Page 166: ...A8 S 1 White orange t o A 5 S 1 B O 9 Connect harness wires a s follows Black t o A 3 S 1 White orange t o Al S 1 10 Connect harness wires a s follows White red t o A18 S 1 White yellow t o A20 S 1 W...

Page 167: ...ess wires as follows t o relay RY lug 2 S 1 ellow t o relay RY lug 6 S 1 Violet t o relay RY lug 10 NS n g white orange to relay RY lug 12 S 1 wni6read irelay RY log 14 S 2 16 so s s 1 White black t o...

Page 168: ...black sleeving on the other lead o f a 1 5 2 2 watt brown green silver gold resistor and a 33 Q2 2 watt orange orange silver gold resistor RR12 Place a 1 2 length o f small black sleeving on one lead...

Page 169: ...4 S 4 R 2 1 Cut each lead o f a 1 g 0 1 2 watt brown green brown resistor to 1 2 Then connect the re sistor between terminal strip BP lugs 2 S 4 and 3 S 4 Refer t Detail 12 19C for the next six steps...

Page 170: ...Page 1 168 CABLE HARNESS ORANGE PICTORIAL 12 20 C E IEEE 0 1 NCHr6 2 3 4 5 6 7 J _ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I rr rprrrr t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 0 1 CM 2 3 6 6 7 6 1 0 4 1 2 13 1d 1 6 1 7...

Page 171: ...n the shield wire Push the other end of this cable through chassis cutout AC Heter t o Detail 12 218 and twist lugs 3 and 4 o f S3 section F 1 4 turn s o the holes in the lugs are aligned Remove insul...

Page 172: ...7SEE 2 0 0 OL_ r 0 ssangWE g 85255EE 7 PICTORIAL 12 22 7 4 J f 16 16 6 l j I I L f I 5 I L 4 I r 1 t 0 1 f 4 L I I I 8 9 I I 1 I I I I 7 3 L J r 4 4 mrprrnr r f r T T T r 1 O s 1 CM 2 3 4 6 6 0 1 QNct...

Page 173: ...7 8 Wrap the bare end around terminals HS NS and then around H6 S 1 2 irap the bare end o f another red wire around HS S 3l W r p the bare end o f a red wire around terminal H6 8 t o B13 S 1 and the s...

Page 174: ...Use 6 32 x 3 8 screws Install eight phono sockets at the following locations Use 6 32 x 3 8 hardware Position the ground lugs toward holes C X and CY Detail 12 24A s a s s s c c w Refer t o Detail 12...

Page 175: ...lugs 1aadi o f the socket toward the letters ACC on the panel Detail 12 24E s u u 1 6 S O L D E R L U G S 0 6 3 Z x 3 8 t S Rew 09 R7 Refer t o Detail 12 24E and install a 10 k 92 control 10 88 at R7...

Page 176: ...The pin numbers are molded on the back o f the plug Cut o ff the excess lead lengths after soldering Apply solder sparingly and avoid getting solder on the outside o f the pin When the pin i s hot en...

Page 177: ...or o f cable 3 t o phone socket CK lug 1 e shield wires t o lug 2 S 1 Cut a 3 orange stranded wire Remove 3 8 o f insulation from e ac h end Melt a minimum amount of e n each bare end t o hold the fin...

Page 178: ...follows d vs sn lyossossn 4 see io n e r conductor o f cable 14 t o phono socket CN lug S 1 and the shield wires t o lug 2 S 1 Center conductor o f cable 1 t o phono socket C S lug 1 S 1 and the shiel...

Page 179: ...C E EE E W H T B W H T V I 0 GRAY 3 2 PICTORIAL 12 26 0 Page 1 177...

Page 180: ...er t o Detail 12 27A and prepare a 23 4 orange e b y removing 1 2 o f insulation from each end o m the back o f the remaining 11 pin plug push the ends i f the orange wire into pins 2 and 5 Solder th...

Page 181: ...g on the other end of each coaxial cable Be sure t o use plug 438 46 C O M B OUT THE S H I E L D W I R E S AND T W I S T T H E M T I G H T L Y T O G E T H E R R E M O V E 3 8 0 T H E I N N E R I N S U...

Page 182: ...label sheet cut out strips o f four groups each o f PA LO HI OUT and IN C U T OUT S T R I P S OF F O U R E A C H Conn the center conductor o f a coaxial cable t o RY lug 5 S 1 and the shield wires t o...

Page 183: ...tors in place a s shown in the inset drawing Be sure t o insert the connectors i n the proper holes a s they cannot be re moved Select the holes based upon their position rela tive to ie index notch s...

Page 184: ...om the control solder lug a t R2 t o switch S4 lug 1 NS P epare a 2 gray wire Connect one end o f this wire o switch S4 lug 1 S 2 The other end will b e onnected later Connect the white red red wire c...

Page 185: ...1 gray wires 4 nect the 1 1 2 gray wire t o switch 51 wafer B fr om lug 8 S 1 to lug 6 NS nect the 1 gray wire t o switch S1 from wafer B lug 2 NS t o wafer A lug 2 NS t the lead a t the banded e nd...

Page 186: ...Page 1 184 I I L A T E R A L S H I E L D PICTORIAL 12 31 G EES W H T V I O L V 1 0 l o I _ 1 s a g s_ s y s n j ouces 2 Lt u u l i 6 4 cw h l l i t l _ T r l l _ L 6 7 i T 4 A L I i la T r 4 I s l T...

Page 187: ...Connec the nine wires coming from BO 13 t o switch S1 wafer llows NOTE Wires will b e connected t o switch S1 wafer A in the following steps Each wire m u s t be connected t o the tw o lugs on the fro...

Page 188: ...Page 1 186 eeejig 2 Detail 12 328 5 u 9 4 L O C K W A S H E R REMOVE C O V E R I N FROM ONE 1 1 ONL P E N C I L i u 4 L K W A S H ER 4 4 0 N U T e W I N D O W B R A C K E T i 9 Detail 12 32C...

Page 189: ...O C K w A S H E R c ail 12 328 for the next four steps Refer t o From the front of the panel insert the T bolts into holes EB EE EG EH and EK with the window rabbet down a s shown in the inset drawing...

Page 190: ...S P A C E R S O C K E T o 4 4 L O C K W A S H E R 1 ijB yR o c _ a g a i s a v Detail 12 32H Refer t o Detail 12 32F and carefully slide the edges o f the red window into the rabbets in the window bra...

Page 191: ...your call letters centered on the identification strip fill the remaining clear spaces at each end o f your call with black squares Remember t o overlap the edges Detail 12 32J C E N T E R L I N E l w...

Page 192: ...orange wire Place a 1813 lamp in the pilot lamp socket and slide a light shield onto the lamp Position the lamp so it will illuminate the back of the meter Then tighten the nut C H A S 5 I S L I P Re...

Page 193: ...VFO a s f ar a w a y from 7c11assis lip as It will g o before you tighten the screws Plug the 4 wire connector housing onto the 4 wire connector on the VFO NOTE In some cases there may b e excess pain...

Page 194: ...d mount the 3 position switch detent 266 1114 a t S4 o n the chassis lip B e sure the locating t ab I s in its hole Use a control flat washer and a control nut Connect th e orange wire coming from 02...

Page 195: ...ge onto pin A C Detail 12 33J Yellow onto pin U White orange onto pin S Refer t o Detail 12 33J and push connectors onto the circuit boar pins r r white yellow wire onto pin H e e o z ran ge onto pin...

Page 196: ...n 1 1 1 I I l J LONG W H T Y l L__ J l_ __ J L__J c W H T R E O WHT I ci I o m s TOP E D G E 0F FRONT P A N E L Refer t o Detail 12 33K and push connectors onto the circuit rd pins 18 I Sh ort white...

Page 197: ...t covers the pin and the connector on the White red onto pin K White black onto pin AF Refer t o Detail 12 33L for t he following steps NOTE Because i t is easier the connecting wires will b e connect...

Page 198: ...d a 6 32 x 3 8 screw a t DU and b y a 6 solder lug and a 6 32x3 8 screw a t DS Bend the solder lug so it points straight out from the heat sink Bend a small circle a t the e n d o f the diode lead a s...

Page 199: ...he next three steps use 5 8 f small sleeving on each shield wire nnect th e center conductor o f shielded lead 1 1 t o n e connector lug 1 S1 and connect r es t o the phones jack lug 1 NS Ided lead 1...

Page 200: ...36A for the next tw o steps Start an 8 32 x 3 16 setscrew into each o f five small knobs and start two setscrews into the large knob NOTE The large knob may have alien head setscrews already installed...

Page 201: ...t 3 5 Then push the end o f the shaft on through the detent and just through the two switch wafers a t S1 on the lateral shield B e very sure the flatted sides o f the shaft are aligned with the open...

Page 202: ...2 r ed wire t o thelowerhole of lug 4 S 1 Hofer to Detail 12 37A4 and connect three spring clips to the free ends o f the three wires Lay the RF detector aside It will be used later Detall 12 37A 2 56...

Page 203: ...age readings and any other infor mation you think might be helpful Please do not send parts for testing unless this is specifi cally requested b y our Consultants Hints Telephone traffic is lightest a...

