3 Mode of operation – Fuel quality requirements
3.4 Fuel quality requirements
Only wood pellets are permissible as fuel for the HDG K10 - 33 boiler.
Wood pellets are pressed into a cylindrical shape. They consist of
untreated shavings and sawdust from the wood processing industry
as well as unprocessed forestry waste. They have a standardised
diameter and length. They are pressed at a very high pressure and
have a very low water content. The energy contained in 2 kg of
pellets corresponds approximately to the energy contained in a litre
of heating oil.
Essential criteria for the definition of the property classes are the
length and diameter, moisture content and ash content of the fuel.
The diameter of the pellets used must be in accordance with D06, i.e.
6 mm +/- 1 mm. The length of the pellets must measure between
3.15 mm and 40 mm. A maximum of 1.0% by weight of the pellets
may be longer than 45 mm.
The water content must be less than 10% (M10) for property classes
A1, A2 and B.
The ash content of the property class A2 and B is higher than that of
A1 due to the higher proportion of bark, needles and leaves. The
maximum ash content for property class A1 is 0.7% by weight (A0.7),
for property class A2 the maximum ash content is 1.2 % by weight
(A1.2) and for property class B the maximum ash content is 2.0 % by
weight (A2.0). In accordance with the 1st Federal Emission Control
Ordinance, operation with pellets in Germany is limited to property
class A1.
Alternatively pellets with the “ENplus” or “DINplus” certificate are
also suitable as they meet the quality requirements of property class
It is important that fuel is used according to HGD fuel specifications
In particular, all fuel requirements concerning size, water content
and ash content must be met..
With regard to the quality standards for pellets, DIN EN ISO 17225-2
“Biogenic solid fuel - fuel specifications and classes - classification of
pellets” applies.
In accordance with this standard, the properties of pellets that can
be used with the HDG K10 - 33 are specified below in more detail.
Pay particular attention to the fuel quality, both when ordering and
at delivery.
If there is a significant change of fuel, the system must be reset
accordingly and checked for emissions by authorised specialists.