party and/or custom firmware providing extra features are not covered in this manual.
4K Vertex – User Manual
#set edid3dremove x / #get edid3dremove
Select AUTOMIX 3D flag parameter. When enabled, will remove 3D capability.
When not in force, will follow the sink capabilities.
x can be on/off
#set hdrstr x / #get hdrstr
Defines a custom HDR string that will be sent to the sink if "hdrcustom" is enabled.
x must be of the format where data bytes are separated by a : -character
example #set hdrstr 87:01:1a:b0:.......
#set hdrcustom x / #get hdrcustom
Toggles the sending of the custom HDR string. When enabled will disable the input HDR from traveling
to the output and replace with a defined custom string.
x can be on/off
#set hdrdisable x / #get hdrdisable
Toggles the sending of any HDR string. When enabled will disable all HDR info to the sink
x can be on/off
#set avistr x / #get avistr
Defines a custom AVI string that will be sent to the sink if "avicustom" is enabled.
x must be of the format where data bytes are separated by a : -character
example #set avistr 82:02:0d:ae:40:c0:60:61:.......
#set avicustom x / #get avicustom
Toggles the sending of the custom AVI string. When enabled will disable the input AVI from traveling to
the output and replace with a defined custom string.
x can be on/off
#set avidisable x / #get avidisable
Toggles the sending of any AVI string. When enabled will disable all AVI info to the sink.
Be careful in using avidisable as most TVs will no longer show any signal.
x can be on/off
#set vsistr x / #get vsistr
Defines a custom Vendor Specific Infoframe [VSI] string that will be sent to the sink if "vsicustom" is
x must be of the format where data bytes are separated by a : -character
example #set vsistr 81:01:1b:63:00:00:00:0:.......
#set vsicustom x / #get vsicustom
Toggles the sending of the custom VSI string. When enabled will disable the input VSI from traveling to
the output and replace with a defined custom string.
Sending a custom VSI will not disable the potential input HDMI Vendor Specific Infoframe and both will
flow to the sink.
However, sometimes sending both will confuse the TV depending on the sink capabilities.
x can be on/off