H B X Z O N - 0 6 0 0 Z o n e C o n t r o l
V e r s i o n 1 . 0 . 0
Page 7
Sync Code
- Sync Code of the ZON-0600
Wi-Fi Network
– displays current SSID network
connected to
Wi-Fi Password
– displays password of current network
connected to
Wi-Fi Strength
– displays Signal strength of the network
connected to
On-board Zone 1-4 (5-20)
– Sync code of the
connected thermostat to the associated zone. If no
thermostat is connected to a zone, that zone will not
be displayed.
Secondary Zone
– Sync code of any LINKED ZON-
0600’s to this primary ZON-0600. This will only show up
if this is the primary ZON-0600 and other ZON-0600’s
have been LINKED.
Secondary Stats
– Sync code of any thermostats from
LINKED ZON-0600’s. This will only show up if this is the
primary ZON-0600 and other ZON-0600’s have been