Manual parameterization and configuration
HBM: public
Channel 2
Length of manufacturer-specific data
0xC3: 3 bytes (for 1-channel)
0xC2 .. 0xC9: 2..9 bytes (for 8-channel)
0xC4 .. 0xCD: 4..13 bytes (for 32-channel)
Output length
0x40...0x48 (1 to 9 output words) or
0xC0...0xC8 (1 to 9 output words with consistency)
Input length
0xC0 ... 0xFF or
0x40..0x7F (1 to 64 input words with / without con
User-specific data
Measured values are offered either as 16-bit integer, 32-bit integer or 32 bit
float. Values are always scaled to physical quantity with selectable amount of
decimal places. The parameterisation telegram is used for specifying whether
the 16-bit format or the 32-bit format is to be used and for defining the number
of decimal places.
Configuring amplifier channels
The following input and output data can be configured per amplifier channel for
cyclic data traffic. The choice of which data is actually transmitted is communi
cated via the manufacturer-specific data of the special identification format. For
a detailed specification of the data contents transmitted cyclically, please refer
to the chapter on
Cyclic data exchange
Three types of devices are distinguished for configuration: 1-channel (ML01B,
ML10B, ML30B, ML35B, ML38, ML50B, ML55B, ML60), 8-channel (ML801B)
and 32-channel (ML71B).