HBM: public
Status of subchannel 32 (see chapter 9.1.3)
Channel status
Output data
Below you will find a description of the output data enabling the Profibus master
to control the MGCplus. Refer to chapters 9.2.1 to 9.2.5 for a description on the
bit-level of the individual control words that are permissible. Chapters 9.2.8 to
9.2.10 deal with the permissible combinations of the individual control words for
the different channel types.
The functions that can be triggered in the control words are partly edge trig
gered (the status changing from 0 to 1 triggers the function) or they are stati
cally linked to the control word bits.
Device control word
Commands (Bits 1..10) are transmitted to all channels. This procedure includes
only those channels for which the respective function has been enabled in the
parameterisation telegram (enable word) and which understand these com