Two post hydraulic lift HAPP 95
© 2013 HAPP Australia Pty Ltd
Version 9
7 Moving the hoist
To move the hoist a 180Kg furniture trolley jack is recommended. As shown below the jack can be used life the column after
fixing the column to the trolley. The three wheeled versions of trolleys as shown make the movement much easier and should be
used. It is shown with the rear of the column being lifted however the trolleys have been found to work just as well from the front.
Removing the arms before movement minimized the weight to be moved.
Care should be taken to ensure you have control of the hoist during movement, make sure you have adequate personnel on
hand to control the movement of the column. The trolley is simply a tool to assist you, it will not by itself make the job easy or
lessen the weight of the column.
For hoists with loxon anchor bolts the floor area is smooth. For installations with tru bolts the hoist will need to be raised to clear
the anchor bolt threads. This can be done by tilting the column back and forth inserting wood or metal shims underneath until the
thread is cleared. Once clear the base plate can be lifted in the same manner as for true bolt installations.
Figure: Use of trolley to move Hoist column.
8 HAPP 95 operation and setup details
This information is represented further on our web site and in our manuals that is commonly requested
by customers. The document does provide a lot of detail in an attempt to provide customers with all
common queries in operation of the products over time. The information does not negate the need to
review all documentation fully, but reiterates important information for customers.
8.1 General operation
The HAPP 90 and HAPP 95 hoist are unique in this industry as it is synchronized by a hydraulic control
block, eliminating the need for overhead beams or floor beams. This feature allows the columns to be
positioned at the optimum distance for your vehicle lift points, which
typically close t
vehicle, and further allows the columns to be removed and stored when not in use.
The HAPP 90 and HAPP 95 use Castrol HYSPIN 68 grade hydraulic oil. We have used Castrol HYSPIN 46
in the past, the 68 grade works better. Lubricate the columns with Wurth dry lube and with WD 40. Do
not apply grease as it cakes and may cause carriages to bind.