Subject to change without notice
Data transfer
The oscilloscope has three interfaces.
1. On the front panel below the crt is a USB fl ash drive con-
nector. Further information can be found under „Controls
and Readout“.
2. The following information is regarding the interface HO720
located at the rear panel of the oscilloscope in top right
position. It contains the following bidirectional interfaces
for data transfer between oscilloscope and PC:
– USB (Device)
– RS-232
The interface is identifi ed by the oscilloscope fi rmware and
indicated in some menus. If required the interface HO720 can
be exchanged for another interface.
All interface connections are galvanically connected
to the scope.
Measurements at high potentials are prohibited and endanger
the scope, the interface and all equipment connected to the
The installation or exchange of an interface may
take place only if the device was switched off previ-
ously and was separated from mains/line.
If the safety rules are disregarded any damage to HAMEG
products will void the warranty. Neither will HAMEG take any
responsibility for damages to people or equipment of other
USB (Device)
The CD added to the oscilloscope contains a folder with the
name of this oscilloscope. Amongst others it contains the
folder HO720_D2xx_DriverVxxx, where “Driver“, “Tools“ and a
description for USB driver installation can be found.
To enable a communication between PC and oscilloscope, an
USB driver must be installed on the PC, which is requested
by Windows if for the fi rst time a connection is made between
oscilloscope and PC via USB. A direct connection from the PC`s
USB connector to the oscilloscope USB interface requires a
screened USB cable with less than 3 m length. The CD contains
other information under „ HO720 description and USB driver
installation „.
“Tools“ contains the folder “FT Clean“ with a program for USB
driver installation and “USB Install Test“ a program for USB
connection test.
The RS232 interface has the usual 9 pole Sub D connector. Via
this bidirectional interface the scope can be controlled remo-
tely or its settings may be transferred. In digital mode also the
digitized and stored signals can be read out. The connection
with a PC requires a 9 pole screened cable (1:1) with less than
3 m length. The pin out is as follows:
D a t a t r a n s f e r
no. Function
2 Tx date from scope to external device
3 Rx data from external device to scope
7 CTS ready to transmit
8 RTS ready to receive
5 ground (scope is connected to safety ground, safety class
9 + 5 V, max. 400 mA
The maximum signal on Tx, Rx, RTS and CTS is ±12 V. The RS-
232 interface parameters are:
N-8-2 no parity, 8 bits data, 2 stop bits (RTS/CTS hardware
protocol). These parameters can be set on the oscilloscope.
Loading of new oscilloscope firmware
The most recent fi rmware is available for down loading is
available at www.hameg.com.
A fi rmware update may cause changes in operation and new
functions. In such cases an updated manual can be download
from the HAMEG homepage.