Function Blocks PSx-3__-PN
Value on which the measuring system is referenced (new actual value at the actual position)
Type: DINT
Initial value: 0
Direction: INPUT
Saving the settings permanently
Type: BOOL
Initial value: FALSE
Direction: INPUT
Bit is set as long as the parametrization process is active
Type: BOOL
Default value: FALSE
Direction: OUTPUT
The bit is being deasserted as soon as the parametrization has been finished successfully or
an error occurred.
Bit is set as soon as the parametrization has been finished successfully
Type: BOOL
Default value: FALSE
Direction: OUTPUT
The bit is being deasserted when starting a parametrization process.
Bit is set if an error occurred during the execution of the FB
Type: BOOL
Default value: FALSE
Direction: OUTPUT
Error code (
see table “ErrorID” in chapter 4)
Type: WORD
Default value: 0
Direction: OUTPUT
Drive errors are not considered during a parametrization.
Parameter number that caused the error (in case of an error)
Type: INT
Default value: 0
Direction: OUTPUT
If no error occurred, this value is 0.