Function Blocks PSx-3__-PN
(View in Step 7 TIA V13 + V14)
Start of a reading process
Type: BOOL
Initial value: FALSE
Direction: INPUT
When issuing a rising edge, a reading process of the parameter which is specified by
“ParameterNumber” and “Subindex” is started. For a new reading process, a new rising edge
has to be generated. When deasserting the bit, the outputs fall back to their specified default
Parameter number of the parameter to be read
Type: INT
Initial value: 0
Direction: INPUT
Array subindex of the parameter
Type: INT
Initial value: 0
Direction: INPUT
Bit is set as long as the reading process is active
Type: BOOL
Default value: FALSE
Direction: OUTPUT
The bit is being deasserted as soon as the value has been read or an error occurred.
Bit is set as soon as the parameter ha
s been read successfully and is available in “Value”
Type: BOOL
Default value: FALSE
Direction: OUTPUT
The bit is being deasserted when starting a reading process.