[arnings on refrigerant leakage
Wdeqhfdq`ms cdmrhsx khlhs
Xhe room where the air conditioner is to be installed should be designed or chosen to meet the
standard in case of the refrigerant leakage3 which will ensure the refrigerant will not exceed the limit5
Xhe refrigerant V;87F in the air conditioner product is relatively safe without the poison and the
combustibility5 V;87F is environmentally friendly and is not restricted by the current or pending laws
regarding the protection of the ozone layer5
Visk of suffocation by the leakage of V;87F is minimal5 Mowever3 with the recent increase in the
number of high density buildings and use of multi air conditioner system to ensure effective use of
floor space3 energy conservation and individual control3 installers should ensure it is not possible
to exceed density limits in the event of a refrigerant leak5 Nn particular3 where a single unit of the
multi conditioner system is to be installed into a small room3 select a suitable model and installation
procedure so that if refrigerant leaks out3 density limits are adjacent rooms3 or install mechanical
ventilation combined with a gas leak detection device5
Xhe density can be calculated as shown belowA
Xotal amount of refrigerant /kg0
Qin5 volume of the room where indoor installed
density limit /kg6m
Xhe density calculation must be in accordance with GW JR :>?5
[hen installing the unit3 please take the above into consideration according to the local laws3 regulation5
Rote 8A Nf there are 9 or more refrigerant
systems in a single area3 the refrigerant amount
should be considered as the individual outdoor5
Kor exampleA
Kor the possible leaking refrigerant in room F3
G and H is 87kg5
Kor the possible leaking refrigerant in room I3
J and K is 89kg5
Rote 9A Xhe standards for minimum room
volume are as followsA
/80 Ro partition /shaded portion0
/90 [hen there is an effective opening with
the adjacent room for ventilation of leaking
refrigerant gas /opening without a door3 or an
opening 758<- or larger than the respective
floor spaces at the top or bottom of the door05
Voom F Voom G Voom H Voom I Voom J Voom K
indoor unit
outdoor unit
e5g5 charged amount /89kg0
e5g5 charged amount /87kg0
indoor unit
indoor unit
outdoor unit
refrigerant pipe