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Repair Action
10 Mode Shift
The following logic is
used to set this fault:
• If motor power relay is
• If Speed is > 45 shaft
• If mode shift feedback
• If software mode shift
state = AGITATE for 5
consecutive seconds
• Set Fault
• If mode shift feedback
• If software mode shift
state = SPIN for 5
consecutive seconds -
Set Fault
• Check mode shifter coupler for damage and
the ability to slide in and out freely.
• Use Test 14 to put the mode shifter into spin
and check continuity through the mode shifter
• Use ohm meter to ensure harness shows
continuity to the mode shifter from the control.
• Check resistance of mode shifter motor
(approximately 5.7k ohms).
• Check for 120 VAC to the mode shifter motor
at the control connector.
15 Temp Sensor
When Temperature
Sensor is not present or
provides an invalid value,
the fault is set.
• Check thermistor resistance from connector
J701 on the control board. Validate the
resistance matches the table on the wiring
• Check wiring harness and connections.
• Replace thermistor.
17 Dry Load
Sense Timeout
When the dry load sense
algorithm times out.
This would occur if the
machine is not reaching
target speed within the
parametrically defined
time limit.
This fault is an "event"
type that will increase a
counter on occurrence.
• Check for water in the bottom of the tub. If so
drain and try cycle again.
• Check the basket for excessive friction.
Basket should spin freely. If not, find source
of friction and remove it.
• This can also happen if a cycle is started with
wet clothes.
18 Drain Pump
When Adaptive Drain
cycle step timeout occurs,
Drain Pump Clearing
Algorithm begins.
After Drain pump clearing
algorithm finishes.
The fault is set if tub
is not empty. This is
actually an "event" rather
than a traditional "fault".
This merely increments
a counter that indicates
how many times this
issue has occurred.
• Fill tub using Service Mode Test 7 and check
drain pump operation using Service Mode
Test 12.
• Check drain hose for blockages.
Confirm standpipe height is within
recommended guidelines.
• If pump does not operate, check that the
resistance of the pump matches resistance
table and verify 120 VAC while pump is
operating at J512.
• Check pressure tube for pinches where it
goes through top cover grommet.
• Use pressure sensor Test 10 to ensure correct
pressure sensor operation.
• Check pressure tube for trapped water.
• Ensure pressure chamber port is free from
obstruction using drill bit size 1/16-in. by hand
so as not to drill through the inner wall.