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Turbidity Sensor
The turbidity sensor senses the dirt level of the
water with the help of light and based on this will
dispense the detergent quantity. It is located
at the bottom of the tub assembly beside the
For 600/605 Models
: The tub plug is used
in place of the turbidity sensor. The tub plug
function is just to cover the tub hole.
Turbidity Sensor Diagnosing
• Run Service Mode Test 20.
• If the turbidity reading from Service Mode Test
20 is out of range, press and hold the
button for 3-seconds to calibrate the sensor.
• Check all water quality sensor connections.
• If above repair actions don’t clear the fault,
replace tub mounted sensor.
Service Mode Test 20:
• Press
to begin the test.
The washer will fill with cold water to
submerge the sensor while the 7-Segment
Display flashes "88".
Once the fill is complete, press the
button to toggle through the following sensor
• Turbidity (WASH LED ON)
• Conductivity (RINSE LED ON)
• Temperature (SPIN LED ON)
• With a function selected, the 7-Segment
Display will display the following:
• “00” while calibrating (turbidity function
only) or reading.
• "01" if reading is in expected range.
• "02" if reading is out of range or sensor is
not responding.
• If the turbidity function displays "02", press
and hold the
button for 3-seconds to
: Only the turbidity function
can be calibrated. If "02" continues to be
displayed, check all sensor connections, and
then replace the sensor.
Turbidity Sensor (Direct Drive Models)
Turbidity Sensor Removal
The turbidity sensor is located at the bottom of
the tub assembly beside the accelerometer for
700/705 and 900/905 models.
1. Disconnect the connector from the turbidity
2. Remove the three hex-head screws that holds
the turbidity sensor to the tub