Installation Manual
H3C VG 10-40/10-41 Voice Gateway
Chapter 5 Software Maintenance
I. Upgrading application program
Step 1: Access the Boot Menu (refer to section5.1 Boot Menu”),
press <1> to select the XModem protocol for downloading the
application program. The following downloading speeds are available
for the VG.
Please choose your download speed:
1: 9600 bps
2: 19200 bps
3: 38400 bps
4: 57600 bps
5: 115200 bps
6: Exit and reboot
Enter your choice(1-6):
Step 2: Select an appropriate download speed, 115200 bps for
example, by selecting <5>, and the VG will prompt:
Download speed is 115200 bps. Change the terminal's speed
to 115200 bps, and select XModem protocol. Press ENTER key
when ready.
Step 3: According to the above information, change the baud rate
set at the console terminal (refer to Figure 4-4) so that it keeps in
consistency with the selected baud rate for software download. After
that, disconnect the terminal (that is [Dial-in/Disconnect]), reconnect it
(that is [Dial-in/Dialing]) and then press <Enter> to start download.
The system will prompt:
Now Downloading Program File.
Please Start Transfer Program File And Use Xmodem Protocol.
If You Want To Exit. Press <Ctrl+X>.