Default level
2: System level
: Specifies a reaction entry ID, in the range of 1 to 10.
: Specifies destination-to-source delay jitter of each probe packet as the monitored element.
: Specifies source-to-destination delay jitter of each probe packet as the monitored element.
: Specifies a threshold type.
: Specifies the total number of threshold violations in a test. The value
is in the range of 1 to 14999 for UDP jitter tests, and 1 to 59999 for voice tests.
: Specifies to check the average one-way delay jitter in each test.
: Specifies threshold values in milliseconds.
: Specifies an upper threshold, in the range of 0 to 3600000.
: Specifies a lower threshold, in the range of 0 to 3600000. It must not be greater than
the upper threshold.
: Specifies what action to be triggered to react to certain measurement conditions and it
defaults to
: Specifies to only record events for terminal display, and not to send any trap messages.
: Specifies to record events and send SNMP trap messages.
Use the
reaction checked-element
} command to configure a reaction entry for
monitoring one-way delay jitter in each test of an NQA operation. You cannot edit a reaction entry. To
change the attributes in a reaction entry, use the
undo reaction
command to delete this entire entry and
start over.
Use the
undo reaction
command to delete the specified reaction entry.
By default, no reaction entry for monitoring one-way delay jitter is configured.
Only successful probe packets are monitored. The data of a failed probe packet is not counted.
# Create reaction entry 1 for monitoring the average destination-to-source delay jitter of UDP jitter probe
packets. Set the upper threshold to 50 milliseconds, and the lower threshold to 5 milliseconds. Before the
NQA test group starts, the initial state of the reaction entry is invalid. After each test, the average
destination-to-source delay jitter is checked. If it is out of the threshold range, the state of the reaction
entry is set to over-threshold; otherwise, the state is set to below-threshold. Once state of the reaction
entry changes, a trap message is generated and sent to the network management server.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] nqa entry admin test
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test] type udp-jitter
[Sysname-nqa-admin-test-udp-jitter] reaction 1 checked-element jitter-ds threshold-type
average threshold-value 50 5 action-type trap-only
# Create reaction entry 2 for monitoring the destination-to-source delay jitter of UDP jitter probe packets.
Set the upper threshold to 50 milliseconds, and the lower threshold to 5 milliseconds. Before the NQA
test group starts, the initial state of the reaction entry is invalid. After each test, the destination-to-source
delay jitter is checked against the threshold range. If the total number of threshold violations exceeds 100