Field Description
Negative DS average
Average absolute value of negative delay jitters from destination to
Negative SD square sum
Square sum of negative delay jitters from source to destination
Negative DS square sum
Square sum of negative delay jitters from destination to source
One way results
Uni-direction delay test result, displayed in a UDP jitter or voice test
Max SD delay
Maximum delay from source to destination
Max DS delay
Maximum delay from destination to source
Min SD delay
Minimum delay from source to destination
Min DS delay
Minimum delay from destination to source
Number of SD delay
Number of delays from source to destination
Number of DS delay
Number of delays from destination to source
Sum of SD delay
Sum of delays from source to destination
Sum of DS delay
Sum of delays from destination to source
Square sum of SD delay
Square sum of delays from source to destination
Square sum of DS delay
Square sum of delays from destination to source
SD lost packet(s)
Number of lost packets from the source to the destination
DS lost packet(s)
Number of lost packets from the destination to the source
Lost packet(s) for unknown reason
Number of lost packets for unknown reasons
Voice scores
Voice parameters, displayed only in a voice test
MOS value
MOS value calculated for a voice test
ICPIF value
ICPIF value calculated for a voice test
display nqa statistics
display nqa statistics
] [
Any view
Default level
1: Monitor level
admin-name operation-tag
: Displays statistics of the specified test group. If these two arguments are not
specified, statistics of all test groups are displayed.
represents the name of the NQA test
group administrator who creates the NQA operation, and it is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 32
represents the test operation tag, and it is a case-insensitive string of 1 to 32
: Filters command output by specifying a regular expression. For more information about regular
expressions, see
Fundamentals Configuration Guide