GTE Industrieelektronik GmbH
V3.2UK 2/19
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Extract from DIN EN 12453
Safety in use of power operated doors – Test methods –
3.2 Measuring Points
A measuring point is the place where the measurement of entrapment forces
at doors must be made. Three (3) measurements must be taken at each
measuring point. The mean average value obtained at each point has to
meet the specified requirements. In the following, measuring points are de-
fined for different door types, taking into consideration:
- Opening width:
Opening width
is the clear distance between the primary closing edge and
the counter closing edge i.e. between the leaf and surrounding solid parts.
- Direction of measuring force
Direction of measuring force is parallel to the line of application of the spring
force of the measuring instrument effected by the leaf during the process of
measuring. The line of application synchronises with the centre line of the
spring inside the measuring instrument, it also passes the centre points of the
head of the measuring instrument.
Sliding door
On a sliding door, the entrapment forces will be measured on both primary
closing edges and rear edge, as follows:
Measuring between the primary closing edge and the counter closing edge
should be done in reference to figures 1 and 2 below: