Linkage Adjustment: Study and understand the illustration first before you turn
on your radio to check the linkage. Adjust linkage per illustration. When you are
satisfied that the linkage is functioning correctly make sure all the 2mm Stoppers are
tight and secure. When the throttle is in neutral, the servo horn should be perallel
with the throttle servo, the throttle should be closed (there should be about a 0.7mm
gap inside the carb), and the brakes should be disengaged. Adjust the Trim settings
on your radio and/or adjust the linkages to achieve this setting. Upon applying throttle,
the carb should begin to open. At full throttle, the carb should be fully open, and no
more. Adjust the end point adjustment on your radio to achieve this setting. Upon
applying the brakes, the brakes should come on
equally. At full brakes the brake levers should not
be in a locked position, and the wheels should barely
rotate when rotating
firmly by hand.
Neutral (Idle)
High throttle