D 1. Remove the top wing from the fuse and pin or weight
it flat on your building board. Make sure all the forward and
aft jig tabs are against the building board. Sand the top of
the ribs flush with the TE.
D 2. Glue the 1/16" x 1" x 24" TE sheets, cut during
assembly of the bottom wing, on top of the ribs and flush
with the TE.
D 6. Enlarge the hole to 1/2" in the center sheeting only.
Leftover balsa can be inserted under the center sheeting
around the two 1/2" holes to support the sheeting.
D 7. Remove the wing from your building board. Cut and
sand the LE, TE, main spars and top sheeting flush with the
side of tip rib R-1.
D 3. Use a 1/16" x 3" x 30" balsa sheet to make the center
sheeting between the LE sheet and the TE sheet. Save the
remaining sheeting for the bottom center sheeting. The center
sheeting filler is made from 1/16" x 3" 24" balsa sheet.
Before you glue the center sheeting in position, remove any
T-pins from under the sheeting.
Note: Refer to the plans for clarity.
D 4. From the 1/16" x 1/4" x 30" balsa stick, cut and glue
cap strips to the top of the R-1 ribs. The edge of the cap
strip on the R-1 tip rib should be flush with the side of the
rib. On the double rib for the strut, glue tow cap strips.
D 5. Drill a 5/32" hole through the top center sheeting
using the hole through ribs R-9 as a guide.
The bottom of the wing is sheeted following the same
procedure as the top of the wing.
D 1. Use a hobby knife and sanding bar to remove the jig
tabs on the bottom of the ribs. Sand the TE, main spars,
shear webs and the bottom of the ribs even.
D 2. Lay the wing on your building board with the bottom
side up. Place weights on the wing to keep the main spars
in contact with the building board. Glue the bottom LE
sheeting in position following the same procedure used for
the top LE sheeting.
D 3. Glue the 1/16" TE sheet to the TE and the bottom of
the ribs.
D 4. Use the remaining 1/16" x 3" x 30" balsa sheet from
the, top center sheeting, to make the center sheeting
between the LE sheet and the TE sheet.
D 5. From the 1/16" x 1/4" x 30" balsa stick, cut and glue
cap strips to the top of the R-1 ribs. The edge of the cap
strip on the R-1 tip rib should be flush with the side of the
rib. On the double rib for the strut, glue two cap strips on rib
R-2A and the slot is then trimmed.
D 6. Trim and sand the LE and TE sheeting flush with the
side of tip rib R-1.