D 6. Cut 1/4" from the front of one die-cut 1/8" balsa lower
fuse side, one upper fuse side, one die-cut 1/8" plywood
lower fuse doubler and one upper fuse doubler. Mark
each of these parts right side.
D 1. Build two fuse sides by gluing together the balsa
lower and upper fuse sides. Make sure to glue the two
right side pieces together.
D 2. Sand the fuse sides smooth.
D 7. Drill 1/8" holes at the punch marks on the upper fuse
doublers. Drill 5/16" holes at the punch marks on the upper
fuse sides.
D 3. Caution: Make sure to glue the right side doublers to
the right side fuse. Position the fuse sides next to each other
as shown. Glue the die-cut 1/8" lower fuse doublers to the
fuse sides, aligning the edges of the wing saddle and the
forward edges. Glue the die-cut 1/8" top fuse doublers to
the fuse sides, aligning the top and front edges.
D 8. Glue the die-cut 1/8" balsa aft fuse bottom together.
D 9. Glue the die-cut 1/8" balsa fuse top deck together.
D 4. Glue the die-cut 1/8" balsa aft fuse doubler to the aft
fuse sides. Align the notch and the pushrod exit slot.