D 1. Use the die-cut 1/8" plywood backrest gauge to set the
angle of the backrest. Sand the bottom edge of the backrest
to match the top deck and glue the backrest in position.
D 2. From the 1/4" x 1/4" x 24" balsa stick, cut and glue
stringers to fit from the notches in the backrest to the fin.
D 5. Wet the outside of the turtledeck sheeting with warm
water, allowing it to soak in for a few minutes. Position the
sheets on the top of the fuse against the bottom of the
backrest and former F-12A, and flush with the TE of the fin.
Make sure the sheet is aligned with the line drawn on the
stab and fin. Start by gluing the turtledeck sheet to the top
of the fuse and stab. Next, glue it to the formers and
backrest. Finally, glue it to the stringers and the fin.
D 6. Repeat the process to install the turtledeck sheet on
the other side of the fuselage.
D 7. Trim and sand the turtledeck sheet flush with the front
and top of the backrest and the top of the former F-12A.
D 3. Draw a line on the top of the stab from the fuse side
to the TE of the fin.
D 4. Use the turtledeck template on the fuse plans as a guide
to cut the turtledeck sheeting from 3/32" x 3" x 24" balsa
sheets. Taper the sheeting at the aft end and the top edge in
the fin area so that the sheeting will fit flush with the fin.
D 8. Sand an angle, to match the LE of the fin, on one end
of the 1/4" x 2" x 10" balsa turtledeck top. Center the
turtledeck top on the backrest, former F-12A and the
turtledeck sheeting and glue it in place.