D 3. With the wing in position, drill a 13/64" hole at each
punch mark on the wing bolt plate. The hole must extend
through the wing and wing bolt plate, perpendicular to the
bottom surface of the wing. Do not allow the wing to move
out of position while drilling these holes.
D 4. Remove the wing and enlarge the holes in only the
wing with a 1/4" drill.
D 5. Tap the holes in the wing bolt plate with a 1/4-20 tap.
Apply a few drops of thin CA to the threads in the wing bolt
plate. After the CA cures, screw the tap back through the
holes to clean up the threads. Bolt the wing to the fuselage
with two 1/4-20 nylon wing bolts and leave it in place for
the next few steps.
D 3. Final sand the stab and fin.
D 4. Draw an accurate centerline on the top of the stab,
perpendicular to the stab TE.
D 5. Center the stab on the stab plate using the centerline
you drew in step #4. Study the aft end of the structure from
8-10 feet back. If the stab tips are not equidistant above the
wing, carefully sand the high side of the stab plate until the
stab is aligned. Check that the stab tips measure the same
distance from the center of the firewall. Draw alignment
marks on the bottom of the stab. Remove the stab and apply
30-minute epoxy to the stab plate and the bottom of the stab
between the align marks. Place the stab back on the stab
plate and recheck its alignment. Hold the stab in position with
weights or clamps until the epoxy cures.
D 1. Trim the tail wedge flush with the fuse sides. Use
30-minute epoxy to glue the die-cut 1/8" plywood stab
plate to the fuselage sides and the tail wedge.
D 6. Place the fin over the fin plan and mark a turtle deck
top line on both sides of the lower 1/4" x 1/2" balsa cross
member. Use 30-minute epoxy to glue the fin along the
centerline of the stab and the back of former F-12A. Use
T-pins at the base of the fin to hold it in place. Use masking
tape from the top of the fin to the stab to hold the fin
perpendicular to the stab until the epoxy cures.
D 2. Glue the die-cut 1/8" balsa former F-12A centered on
the front of the stab plate, perpendicular to the plate.
D 7. Remove the bottom wing until after the fuselage is
completely assembled.