Mount the Wings to the Fuselage
1. Test-fi t one, then the other wing to the fuselage with the
aluminum wing joiner tube. Make any adjustments necessary
for a good fi t.
It is desirable
to have the wings permanently glued to
the fuselage. If replacement or major repair is ever required,
having the wings easily removable will be a relief if the time ever
comes. RTV silicone is defi nitely suitable, but even though it
can be relatively easily cut through, it is diffi cult to remove from
the fi berglass fuselage. Zap Goo is another option because it
bonds well, yet can be peeled off when required.
2. Attach the wings to the fuselage using whatever adhesive
you prefer. Use masking tape to tightly hold the wings to the
fuselage while the glue dries.
3. While the fuselage is upside-down, center the nose skid
on the bottom of the fuselage and glue it into position with
thin CA. The precise location isn’t critical, but try to get the
skid centered.
1. Connect the three motor wires to the ESC and temporarily
power the system up just enough to see if the motor is turning
in the correct direction. If the motor is not turning the correct
direction switch any two of the motor wires with each other.
2. Disconnect the battery from the ESC. Determine where
you will mount the ESC and receiver—the ESC can be mounted
just aft of the opening in one of the intake ducts and the
receiver can be attached to the bottom of the fuselage aft of
the battery platform. Use a piece of paper towel dampened
with denatured alcohol to clean the areas where you will
mount the ESC and receiver, then mount each one with the
included double-sided foam mounting tape.