Out-runner Brushless Motor
1. Locate the six pieces that make up the out-runner
motor mounting box and four 3mm blind nuts. Press the
blind nuts into the backside of the motor mounting box front
piece and apply some medium or thick CA around the edges
of the blind nuts to glue them in place (be careful not to get
glue in the threads). The holes in the front piece are slightly
off-center to accommodate the motor right thrust. Be sure
that the blind nuts are installed on the correct side as
shown. Assemble the box as shown with medium CA glue
(the longer side piece being on the left of the box).
2. Use medium CA or epoxy to thoroughly glue the motor
mounting box assembly to the fuse, being sure that the box
is fl at against the fi rewall. The tabs on the back of the motor
mounting box will fi t into the slots in the fi rewall.
3. Use the fl at head screws included with the motor and
thread-locking compound to attach the plywood motor
adapter to the back of the out-runner motor case.
4. Attach the motor to the motor mounting box using four
3mm x 8mm machine screws, four 3mm fl at washers, and
thread-locking compound.