Modifications reserved. No liability for printing errors. 06/2010
Mark a centreline on all the aileron hinges using a pencil, as shown in the photo.
The hinges can now be inserted in the ailerons as far as the pencil lines, and glued in
place. We recommend thick cyano for this: push the hinges into the slots to a depth
of about 1 mm, apply cyano on both sides, then push them in as far as the marked
Use your fingertips to locate the holes in the ailerons for the horns, and melt the film
over them using the tip of a hot soldering iron.
When the glue has set hard, insert the projecting hinges into the slots in the wings to
check alignment; you may need to adjust the slots in the wings slightly.
Now repeat the above procedure: push the hinges into the wing to a depth of about 1
mm, apply cyano on both sides, then push the ailerons into place, leaving a gap
about 0.5 mm wide at the hinge line.