Änderungen vorbehalten! Keine Haftung für Druckfehler 06/2009
We strongly recommend that you mark the ‘extend’ and ‘retract’ air lines at this point,
so that you can be confident of connecting the hoses correctly when you
subsequently rig the model. The hoses should be left long enough to project out of
the root ribs by about 200 mm.
When installing the retract units please ensure that the air lines are not tightly bent or
kinked. Apply a drop of UHU schraubensicher to the retaining screws to prevent them
working loose.
Extend the main undercarriage legs, so that the wheel axles and wheels can be
installed. Note that the wheels should be fitted as close as possible to the wheel legs.
Cut off the excess wheel axle length flush with the outside face of the spring struts,
and file the cut ends smooth. Note that all the retaining screws in the retract system
must be locked with UHU schraubensicher to prevent them working loose over time.
The wings are finished off by gluing the tips to the end ribs.
Take care at this stage to line up the faces and edges of the tips and the wings. Tape
the tips in place to prevent them shifting while the glue is hardening.
Fuselage and tail panels
The two tailplane panels are designed to be glued permanently to the fin to form a
unit; this assembly can then be removed from the fuselage for ease of transport.
Fit the aluminium joiner tube through the fin, and slide both tailplane panels onto it to
check that the parts fit together snugly.
When you are satisfied, glue the tail panels together as shown, using adhesive tape
to hold them in position while the glue is setting hard. Note that the tailplane panels
must be attached to the fin exactly at right-angles; this can be checked with a set-
square: the angle must be the same on both sides. The elevators and rudder can
now be prepared while the glue is hardening. Melt away the film over the holes for
the horns in all three panels, and remove the film over the area of the threaded horn
bases as described previously.
Glue the hinges in the control surfaces to half their depth, as described for the
ailerons and landing flaps.
Assemble the control surface horns as shown in the photographs, and glue them to
the tail panels. Note that there are two rudder horns: install one on each side as
Allow the glue to set hard, then attach the rudder and elevators to the fixed tail
panels using the procedure described for the ailerons. Take care to leave a gap
about 0.5 mm wide along the hinge pivot axis.