Grand Soleil 43'
you will have to tack to port, work on the starboard shrouds and
tack again to check your work.
- The tensioning of the diagonal shrouds should be very gradual
(one turn at a time) since too much tension could add
compression to the mast thus increasing the bend instead of
decreasing it.
- It might happen that the mainsail track looks straight, but in
effect the mast is slightly leaning on a side. The symptom of
this situation is usually a better performance to windward on
the relative tack. In this case check the distance from the top
mast to chainplates with the main halyard: the measurement
must be the same on both sides.
- In the event that the vertical shrouds (V) should need more
tensioning it will be necessary to slacken all diagonals by about
one turn before taking up on the Verticals since V
will tension
all other shrouds. At this point the D shrouds should be
tensioned again to align the mast as described above.
- After completing these operations, all pins and stops of
turnbuckles should be reinstalled and taped.
Mast maintenance and periodic checks
• Check frequently for halyard wear.
• When hoisting a sail, take care in tensioning slowly the last few
inches of sail and by keeping the sheets reasonably slack. The
halyard could be damaged by jumping the sheave or by breaking
for excessive load.
- to this purpose we recommend fitting standard nylon stops to
the halyard ends to protect the splices and prevent them from
entering the sheave housings.
- We also recommend that you mark the point of maximum hoist
on all halyards.
- Check the condition of the shrouds and stays frequently,
especially near the terminals and splices. Even the smallest
pitting or crack could be extremely dangerous.
- Always check for broken wires: even if only a single strand is
broken, replace the shroud immediately.
- Check periodically for cracks or deformation at the spreaders
or shrouds connection on the mast..
- Make sure that when you tension the shrouds, enough of the
thread is screwed into the turnbuckles: an amount of male
thread equal or greater than the diameter should be inside the