Electro-pneumatic Control Panel Display Screens
A Job Log contains the following information:
• Job Number
• Job Name
• Amount Dispensed
• Target Amount for batching
• Recipe Number used for the job
• Name of recipe used for the job
• The time the job was started
• The time the job completed
• Pump pressure of the recipe
• Ram Down pressure of the recipe
• Seal pressure of the recipe
• A "Multiple Containers" indicator that is TRUE
if a sequence empties the first container it was
evacuating from. Otherwise it is FALSE.
• A "Recipe Changed" indicator that is TRUE if the
active material recipe is changed, if the recipe
pressures are changed on the Manual run screen,
or if any values for the active recipe are edited
on the Material Recipe Edit screen and saved.
Otherwise it is FALSE.
• An "Error Occurred" indicator that is TRUE if an
alarm or deviation occurs while the job is active.
Otherwise it is FALSE.