Test electric emergency descent system
Pull out the red Emergency Power Switch to on position;
Operate Auxiliary Power Switch;
Try to enable the function button of each action.
Result: in auxiliary power mode, all motion functions can be operated.
3.2.3 Platform function check
Test Emergency Stop
1) Select a test area that is firm, level and free of obstruction;
2) Turn the key switch to platform control;
3) Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to the on position;
4) Push in the platform red Emergency Stop button to the off position.
Check test result:Power off and no functions should operate.
Test the Foot Switch
1) Select the platform mode with the key switch, and pull out the red "power / emergency stop
switch" button on the platform to the on (on) position;
2) Do not press down the foot switch;
3) Attempt to activate each boom and platform function button;
Check test result: no boom and platform functions should operate.
4) Select the platform mode with the key switch, and pull out the red "power / emergency stop
switch" button on the platform to the on (on) position;
5) Press down the foot switch and activate each boom and platform function button;
6) Attempt to activate each boom and platform function button.
Check test result: all boom and platform functions should operate through a full cycle.
Test the Horn
Press the horn button at the platform controls.
Check test result:The horn should sound.
Test the Steering
1) Select Platform Mode;
2) Press down the foot switch and activate each boom and platform function button;
3) Move the steering handle;
4) Release the steering handle.