Glentek Inc., 208 Standard Street, El Segundo, California 90245, U.S.A. (310) 322-3026
Chapter Five: Configuration
5.1 Introduction:
Each amplifier has several configuration options. This chapter describes these options
and how to implement them. If desired, Glentek will be happy to pre-configure your
NOTE: Each amplifier module and multi-axis amplifier is configured and shipped according
to the model number (instructions to construct a model number is in chapter three) when the
order is placed. It is important for the user to realize that any adjustment on the dip-switches
by the user will result in discrepancies between the model number and the actual
configuration of the amplifier.
5.2 Logic Input Configuration:
There are five logic inputs: Limit +, Limit -, Inhibit, Reset In, Motor Temp. The first four
may be configured for active-high or active-low signals, and pulled-up or pulled-down
termination (type A, B, C, and D). The motor-temp may be configured for active-high or
active-low signals, and is always pulled-up (type A, and C). All five logic inputs have a
selectable 0 to +5VDC or 0 to +15VDC range.
Type "A": Requires grounding of input to disable the amplifier (pull-up, active-low).
Type "B": Requires a positive voltage at input to disable the amplifier (pull-down,
Type "C": Requires grounding of input to enable the amplifier (pull-up, active-high).
Type "D": Requires a positive voltage at input to enable the amplifier (pull-down, active-
5.3 Trapezoidal Mode Amplifier Configuration:
The following table shows the dip switches that need to be configured for the Type A, B,
Type A
Type B
Type C
Type D
S1-8 - OFF
S1-5 - ON
S1-8 - ON
S1-5 - OFF
S1-8 - OFF
S1-5 - OFF
S1-8 - ON
S1-5 - ON
S1-7 - OFF
S1-4 - ON
S1-7 - ON
S1-4 - OFF
S1-7 - OFF
S1-4 - OFF
S1-7 - ON
S1-4 - ON
S1-6 - OFF
S1-3 - ON
S1-6 - ON
S1-3 - OFF
S1-6 - OFF
S1-3 - OFF
S1-6 - ON
S1-3 - ON
S1-2 - ON
not available
S1-2 - OFF
not available
not available
not available
not available
5.3.1 +15V/+5V Logic Level Configuration (Default: S1-1=OFF):
+15V: S1-1 = OFF.
+5V: S1-1 = ON.