Communicating Using the IR Port
Your AccessLink II comes equipped with an IrDA compliant infrared
communications port. This port allows you to communicate with other
infrared enabled handheld devices and laptop computers as well as to
increase the functionality of your pager through simple software upgrades.
Communication with your AccessLink II requires an application which runs
on either a WinCE device, a personal digital assistant (PDA) or a personal
computer. Visit Glenayre's website at www.glenayre.com for details about
available applications.
To communicate using the infrared port:
Enable the port as described in the “Miscellaneous Settings, Infrared”
section on page 27.
Set up an IR AccessCode as described in the “Miscellaneous Settings, IR
AccessCode” section on page 27. This code prevents unauthorized
communication with your device. The application running on the secondary
device will need to supply this code to your pager to start communications.
Align the IR port on your AccessLink II to the IR port on the other device.
The devices must be aligned within 30 degrees and be within about
12 inches of each other to communicate properly.
Press any button on the AccessLink II to activate the pager. The IR port
looks for an IR signal when the display is active. If the display is asleep,
the pager will not search for an IR signal.
Look for IR communication status on the device with which the
AccessLink II is communicating. In Windows 95, status can be viewed
either from the specific communications application or from the IR Port
status window within the Control Panel.
You are now ready to exchange information between your second device
and your AccessLink II pager. See the user instructions provided with your
communication application for further details.