Se nding Messages
You may send a message to one individual or to a group of up to 25 individuals.
To address and send your message:
After creating your message or re p l y, select ADDRESS and press the "Enter" button.
You will be presented with the list of names in your address book. If the
recipient of the message is not in your address book, select "CREATE NAME"
and press the "Enter" button. Enter the person's name and address using the
method described in the "Creating an Address" section on page 14-15.
Select the name of the person to whom you wish to send the message and
press the "Enter" button.
Select the address type where you want to send the message. This could be
a 1-way PIN, a 2-way PIN or an email address. Press the "Enter" button.
• To send the message to only this one individual, select SEND and press
the "Enter" button.
• To send the message to a group of people, select MORE and press the
"Enter" button to add names to list of recipients. Repeat this process
until the list contains the names of all the people you wish to receive
the message, then select SEND and press the "Enter" button to send
the message. You may add up to twenty-five people to the list.
• To delete a name from the list, select DEL and press the "Enter" button.
Select the name you wish to delete and press the“Enter” button.
• To cancel sending the message altogether, select CANCEL and press
the "Enter" button.