Congratulations and thank you for your purchase of the Gio Peel Microdermabrader. This precision designed piece of
equipment, engineered with you in mind, will provide many years of trouble free operation. It will save you time and
increase your ability to service your client in ways you never believed possible.
Follow the instructions exactly as described in this manual and in the order presented. This method gives you the
benefit of our experience and is the best way we have found to eliminate start-up problems. Read carefully and under
stand each section on safety before proceeding. Be sure to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the operation of equip
ment prior to using it on any patient.
We appreciate you business and believe the performance, value and reliability of our equipment will earn your trust.
Joanne Bianchini
Gio Pelle, Inc. reserves the right to incorporate any modifications or improvements in machines and machine specifications which it considers necessary and does
not assume any obligation to make these said changes in machines and equipment previously sold. The information in this document is subject o change without
notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Gio Pelle, Inc. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, for any purpose without the express written permission of Gio Pelle, Inc.
Customer Survey ........................................................1
Safety and Other Considerations..............................2
Introduction & Suggestions ......................................3
Inspection Upon Arrival .............................................4
Gio Peel Unit Parts .....................................................5
Installation & Set-up ...................................................6
Operation Procedures ................................................7
Crystals .......................................................................8
Nozzles & Tubing ........................................................9
Prior to Microdermabrasion ....................................10
Performing the Procedure ....................................... 11
Completing the Procedure .......................................12
Frequently Asked Questions ...................................13
Clinical Applicator ..............................................14-16
Crystal-Free Tip Protocol .........................................17
Maintenance ..............................................................18
Troubleshooting Procedures ...................................19
Technical Service & Parts ........................................20
Order Form ...........................................................21-22
Additional Products .................................................23
Material Safety Data Sheet.......................................24
Warranty & Training Registration ...........................25
Warranty ....................................................................26
Table of Contents