Manuale d’Istruzione/Instruction’s Manual
it is a better action if the same substance is given by oral, rectal or parenteral
way too, always associating the same product.
The particularity of the active action of the ions is explained admitting that the
polarized current acts by two modalities and in two successive times:
In the first time the active ions overtake the tissue level, by the passage in the
transcutaneous way produced by the application of an unidirectional current.
Then the ions have physical-chemical, electrolytic effects of the polarized
These ions, dipped in an electric field, from the blood vessels, go easy in the interstitial
holes of the connective tissue and proceeding their walk meet cellular membranes, and
they change the polarization of these walls losing electric charges. In fact, they are now
in neutral state. This change of membranes’ polarization allows the better action of the
therapeutic activity of the used product, the duration of the help effects of the medical
or aesthetical treatment. Only the unidirectional currents have the ionophoretic
A bidirectional current do not cause ions migration because they are solicited to go
alternatively and for a shortest time to an electrode and to an opposite one.
The electrolytic power of the ionophoresis of an unidirectional current is proportional
to the supplied current’s quantity. The ions quantity that crosses the skin wall thanks
the electrolysis can be calculated by the Faraday’s formula, so during a session of T
time and for a same value of maximal current intensity, the ionophoretic power is
maximum if a continuous current is used; it is lower if a low frequency and long time
current is used; minimum if pulsating or faradic current is used. usually the
ionophoretic current is applied transversely, with the electrodes in opposition, or
longitudinally, with an electrode applied to the end of a limb and the other one in its
origin, as shown in the following.
If it is desired to expose a ion to ionophoresis in a solution with known polarity, itis
sufficient wet the sponge with the solution and connect the electrode to the clamp of the
same polarity. It is important to remember that if we want to pilot some enzymes, an
high current intensity could not active the product for thermical effect. It needs to use