32 Manuale
The galvanic therapy is used to cure a lot of diseases of the organism, like arthritis,
arthrosis, lumbar pains, lumbosciatalgia, cervicalgia, muscular tears, etc. It is used in
aesthetic applications, above all for treatments against cellulitis, to harden and tonify
the muscle.
This therapy is called “galvanic” because the galvanic current (continuous), known for
its positive effects on the human body.
The passage of galvanic current causes an hyperaemia
localized on the treated zone,
due to the partial transformation of electric energy into Joule’s Effect and proportional
to the current intensity supplied multiplied for the delivery time. To the Joule’s Effect
is associated a very intense antalgic action lasting more than treatment time. Galvanic
current is also used for its property to extract water molecules from oedematous tissues
through the electro-osmosis. But the most used method by galvanic current is the
medical ionophoresis, to the local delivery of drugs. The continuous current delivers
active ions of a drug into water solution, by an antalgic action, against pain, eutrophic
(increasing muscular volume).
Galvanization is the moving of ions with increasing of the permeability of cellular
membrane and changing capability. This method allows the taking in of nutritive
substances and the taking off of waste substances (catabolites), with a consequent
eutrophic effect. Three modalities of electrodes’applications can be distinguished:
longitudinal descendant galvanization: proximal positive electrode (trophic
ascendant longitudinal galvanization: distal positive electrode (antalgic
cross galvanization: opposed electrodes. Galvanic bath: body segments dipped
into water basin containing the electrodes.
Ionophoresis ia an electro-therapic technique using the continuous current (galvanic) to
introduce drugs into the pain zone, of contracture or with un-aesthetisms.
The used active principle could be negative or positive polarity and according to this it
may be placed on the cathode or anode of the electromedical (the electrode is not in
direct contact with the skin, but by interposing a sponge). Through the supplied current,