WindSonic Doc No 1405 PS 0019 Issue 28 November 2019
Cable length
The maximum cable length is dependent on the chosen communication format (RS232,
RS422 or RS485 (point to point), the baud rate, and, to a lesser extent, on the cable type and
the local electrical ‘noise’ level.
The table shows the typical maximum lengths at the given baud rates, using the
recommended cable. If any problems of data corruption etc. are experienced, then a slower
baud rate should be used. Alternatively, a thicker or higher specification cable can be tried.
Communication format
Baud rate
Max. cable length
Option 1, 2 and 3
6.5 m (20 ft)
Option 2 and 3
RS422 or RS485 point to
1 km (3200 ft)
Option 3
Analogue – Voltage o/p
6.5 m (20 ft)
Analogue – Current o/p
Resistance dependent
(max 300 Ω)
7.3.2 Power supply
WindSonic Option 1 and 2 Units; Require a DC supply of between 5V – 30 V DC (30V DC
WindSonic Option 3 Units;
Require a DC supply of between 7V– 30 V DC (30V DC
WindSonic current drain depends on variant i.e. Option 1, RS232 approximately 9mA at 12v
dc rising to 44mA for Analogue variant.
Lowest power consumption is obtained with the following configuration: -
M2, P20, B3, S9 (approximately 5.5mA at 12v).
WindSonic 75 Option 1, 2 and 3 Units;
Require a DC supply of between 12V – 30 V
DC (30V DC max).
WindSonic 75 Option 1 and 2 current drain is typically approximately 13mA at 12v dc.