The quadrant ports can be categorized into speed port groups, such as :
Speed Group 1- x1,x2,x3,x6
Speed Group 2- x4,x5,x7,x9
Speed Group 3- x8,x10,x11,x12
Speed Group 4- x13,x14,x15,x18
Speed Group 5- x16,x17,x19,x21
Speed Group 6- x20,x22,x23,x24
Speed Group 7- x25,x26,x27,x30
Speed Group 8- x28,x29,x31,x33
Speed Group 9- x32,x34,x35,x36
Speed Group 10- x37,x38,x39,x42
Speed Group 11- x40,x41,x43,x45
Speed Group 12- x44,x46,x47,x48
Each port in the quadrant speed group will follow the same speed that is being
configured . For example , if the port x1 is configured with 25G speed then the other ports
in the quadrant x2,x3,x6 should be configured with the same speed. In one quad group ,
there cannot be a mix of 10Gb and 25Gb ports.
To view the CLI output utilize the command
show gmon speed-port-group
GigaVUE-TA25E Hardware Installation Guide