Maximum rising pressure
adjustment. (B008)
• If the pressure is inferior than the values above indicated, adjust the maximum
rising pressure.
• Lower the bollard to down position.
• At the bottom of the hydraulic unit, immediately by the side of the hydraulic
connection, there is an adjusting screw - to increase the pressure turn it
clockwise in steps of 45 ° and after each step, command a rising movement.
Once the bollard is completely up, check the pressure on the pressure gauge
and, most important, hear that the hydarulic unit continues running for about 4”
from the moment when tho bollard reaches up position (if the pressure set is
too high, the motor of the hydraulic pump may block and fail).
• In some cases, even if after the adjustment of the maximum pressure, the
system does not reach the requested values; in this case it is necessary to
replace the hydraulic pump and send it to Gi.Bi.Di. S.r.l. for the repair.