Service and Repair Manual
April 2017
Scissor Components
GS-30 • GS-32 • GS-46 • GS-47
Part No. 1272217
20 When prompted, press and hold the Function
Enable and Platform Up buttons until the
platform reaches full height. When the
platform reaches full height, press the enter
Note: If the Function Enable or Platform Up buttons
are released while the machine is collecting data,
the GCON LCD will prompt the user to lower the
platform for 5 seconds before prompting to raise
the platform to full height again.
21 When prompted, press and hold the Function
Enable and Platform Down buttons until the
platform is fully stowed. When the platform
reaches the stowed position, press the enter
Note: If the Function Enable or Platform Down
buttons are released while the machine is
collecting data, the GCON LCD will prompt the
user to raise the platform for 5 seconds before
prompting to lower the platform to the stowed
position again.
22 When prompted, push the red Emergency
Stop button in to complete the No Load
Calibration procedure.
Platform Overload Recovery
If the ground controls LCD screen displays
, the emergency
lowering system has been used while the platform
was overloaded.
How to Clear the Platform
Overload Recovery Message
Note: This message shall be cleared by a person
trained and qualified on the troubleshooting and
repair of this machine.
Note: Use the following chart to identify the
description of each LCD screen control button used
in this procedure.
Scroll up
Scroll down
1 Turn the key switch to the ground controls
position and pull out the red Emergency Stop
button to the on position at the platform
2 Press and hold the ground control
scroll up
scroll down