• Day & Night
The Optical Low Pass Filter is switched
automatically and converts the image to color or
monochrome according to the light conditions.
• High sensitivity
Built in interline tranfer method 1/3” Sony Super
HAD CCD, approx 410,000 picture elements.
High Sensitivity, minimum illumination is
0.05Lux (Color Mode), 0.03Lux (B/W Mode) at
• High quality image
High resolution, high sensitivity design for a
horizontal resolution of 540 TV lines.
High quality image is obtained by digital signal
processing with optimization of control program
and image correction algorithm.
• Back light compensation
When a camera scene has a strong light source
that shines toward the camera objects in the
foreground will appear as silhouettes. The
backlight compensation function suppresses
the bright back light and exposes detail on
objects that are in the foreground.
• Iris function
The CCD iris function automatically sets the
brightness of the picture by changing the
shutter speed of the camera according to the
incident light levels. This allows a manual iris
lens to be fitted to the camera for internal