PSY-201 User Guide
Page 94 of 105
Stream to File
The “stream to file” function saves measured data to one or more text files, as well as
displaying it on the sphere. Selecting this option from the Measurement menu causes the “stream
to file” control pane to appear on the left side of the screen.
Saved data for each point includes the time stamp (in ms), Stokes parameters,
instantaneous DOP, and average DOP. Average DOP uses the “DOP Average Number” of SOPs to
calculate the DOP. “DOP Average Number” can be set from “Sampling Settings” on the Options
Capture Mode
Free Run: Points are recorded at a rate determined by the sampling rate and trace
sensitivity settings. Because the “Stream to File” function works in Sphere
mode, it uses the same dynamic data capture rate. While the polarization
is stable, the default rate of 100 points/s is used. For fast polarization
variations, the data capture rate can increase up to the sampling rate
Timed: Points are recorded at intervals specified by the user in the “Interval” box.
Samples: The total number of points to be collected. Up to 1,000,000,000 total points can
be collected. Up to 50,000 points can be stored in one file. If the total number of
points is >50,000, the data will be stored to multiple files.