PSY-201 User Guide
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Apply setup options (waveform type, amp, bias, freq) to selected channel.
Enable: Enable waveform for selected channel.
Disable: Disable waveform for selected channel.
Stop modulation and stabilize output SOP to current state.
Untrack: Disable stabilization.
Unlike the front panel control, the PolaView waveform control allows the waveforms for
individual channels to be enabled/disabled independently.
The “Track” button is the functional equivalent of the TRACK quick key on the PSY-201
front panel. However, in PolaView, “Untrack” only disables active tracking. It does not restart any
polarization control functions interrupted by invoking the TRACK function.
SOP Tracking
The SOP Tracking function maintains a designated output SOP against input SOP
variations. Select the SOP to be maintained and click the “Track” button. To disable SOP
stabilization, click the “Untrack” button.