PSY-201 User Guide
Page 54 of 105
Calibration Matrices
Query whether the PSY-201 is a 1310 or 1550nm
:CALibration:CMATrix <integer>,
Input custom matrix element.
integer: matrix element index 1 to 16:
1: m00, 2:m01, 3: m02, 4: m03,
5:m10, 6:m11, ….16:m33
float: matrix element value
:CAL:CMAT 1, 1.000
Switch between custom calibration matrix and
factory calibration matrix.
1 = custom calibration matrix
0 = factory matrix
Notes: Since a custom matrix must be input one matrix element at a time, it requires 16 commands to input
the entire matrix. After the matrix is input, the command :CONFigure:CMATrix:MODE 1 loads it for use.
Polarization Measurement (Single Data Point)
:MEASure:SOP? Query
measured SOP (Stokes parameters)
S1, S2, S3.
Query measured SOP (Ellipse angles)
Azimuth (AZM) angle range
90 to +90°
Ellipticity angle (ELPA) range
45 to +45°
:MEASure:POWer? Query
optical power. Result returned
in selected units (mW or dBm).
Query measured degree of polarization.
Query the angle (in degrees) between the
reference SOP and the currently measured SOP.
float value of the difference between
the reference DOP and the currently measured
Returns the power difference in dB between the
reference and currently measured values.
Polarization Measurement (Data Set)
:MEASure:ARRay:NUMBer <integer> Set/query
number of sample points to collect.
Range: 1 to 1000
Begin collecting data.
Query sample collection status.
1=collection in process; 0=completed
array data for index n: sop, dop, pwr.
Units for power are determined by :UNIT:POWer
:Measure:Array:Fetch 1?
Returns data for array index 1.
If there are 100 points in the array, 100
commands are required to fetch all of the data.
Note: For this command, there is a space before
the index number.
Analog Output
Configure analog output channel n type.
n = 1 to 4.
Type options: POW, S1, S2, S3, DOP, or dREF.
:OUTPut:ANALog<n>:MAX <float>
output parameter max value for channel n.
n = 1 to 4.
Range: DOP: 0 to 100%
60 to +15 dBm
S1, S2, or S3:
1.00 to +1.00
dREF: 0 to 180.0°