Chapter 4 - Final Checkout
© 2017
GM1212 Geist Watchdog Wi Instruction Manual
Geist releases firmware upgrades that add new features and functionality to the Watchdog
Wi. Firmware updates are free of charge. Download firmware updates from the Geist
website and load them onto your system here.
Figure 4-33 Firmware Page
Firmware Configuration Options
Attribute Description
Firmware Updates
Update Firmware
Firmware updates are available, free of charge, on the Geist website. When new firmware
is available for the Watchdog Wi, download the file from the website and upload the
Watchdog Wi main firmware file here.
System Administration
Upload A Configuration File - Use this menu option to upload a system configuration file
to the Watchdog Wi. This is a particularly useful option if you’re configuring more than one
Watchdog Wi and would like them to have the same settings, or if you’ve updated the
firmware on your unit and need to re-upload your current system configuration file.
Download System Configuration File - If you are going to update the firmware on a
Watchdog Wi, you should always download the configuration file first. This provides you
with a backup of your current configuration, just in case something happens during the
update process. If you’re configuring more than one Watchdog Wi and would like them to
have the same settings, you can configure one unit, download the configuration file, and
then upload it to another Watchdog Wi. Use this button to download this unit’s
configuration file.