FP1500 Installation, Configuration and Commissioning Manual
Replacing components
All the components used in this control unit have been chosen to obtain a highly reliable
and long-lasting product. However, the manufacturers of the products referred to below
indicate that their expected lifespan is below 15 years and they may therefore need to be
replaced in the future.
Lithium Battery
Expected lifespan (manufacturer) Above 10 years
Recommended replacement
10 years in a control unit in continual service
Every 4 years for the circuits of a replacement
microprocessor that have not been connected to the
power supply.
Alphanumeric liquid crystal screen
Expected lifespan (manufacturer) Above 10 years
Recommended replacement
When the screen cannot read easily.
The liquid crystal screen with LED lighting has a lifespan that is appreciably longer than
most of the other screen technologies. The LCD contrast fades as the components age,
and therefore it may be changed when the normal contrast is visibly reduced.