The following general security screening considerations apply to Zen-O lite™ POCs:
1. The limit of one carry-on and one personal item (e.g., purse, briefcase, or computer case)
does not apply to medical supplies, equipment, mobility aids, and/or assistive devices
carried by and/or used by a person with a disability.
2. If a person has medical documentation regarding their medical condition or disability,
they can present this information to the screener to help inform him or her of the person’s
situation. This documentation is not required and will not exempt a person from the secu-
rity screening process.
Alarm Indicators
If the Zen-O lite™ Portable Oxygen Concentrator detects an alarm condition, it will indicate
the alarm visually and audibly within 10 seconds. There are four levels of alarms: critical high
priority, high priority, medium priority, and low priority.
Each is indicated differently by the backlit display; yellow, and red LEDs; and buzzer, as in-
dicated below. In each case, the alarm message and power status will override the current
IMPORTANT: All alarm conditions and parameters are factory preset; conditions and parameters
cannot be changed or adjusted by the user.
IMPORTANT: The alarm system is tested during the startup sequence. You should see all alarm
lights briefly turn on and the audible alarm indicator chirp.
Alarm status
Audible Tone
Visual Indicator
Mute Time
Critical high priority
Ten beeps per burst,
burst repeats every 3
Solid red LED and the
device is automati-
cally disabled
20 minutes
High priority
Ten beeps per burst,
burst repeats every 3
Flashing red LED
20 minutes
Medium priority
Three beeps per
burst, burst repeats
every 8 seconds
Flashing yellow LED
8 hours
Low priority
Three beeps per
burst, burst repeats
every 10 minutes
Solid yellow LED
24 hours
IMPORTANT: If two alarm conditions exist at the same time, the highest priority alarm is indicated.
If two or more alarm conditions of equal priority exist at the same time, the most recent one will
be displayed.
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